Dearly Beloved,
As you know, our capital Campaign for 2018 launched this past Sunday. By now all of you should have received your giving packets in the mail if you were unable to attend the Parish Meeting last week. Please prayerfully consider how you may help your parish family in this endeavor. There is a commitment card drop box in the parish hall below our “thermometer” tree. Please drop your commitments there. We will update what has been committed after this coming Sunday.
If you need an additional packet or giving card, please see Cynthia Hensley. If you have not as yet seen the video presentation on this project, please watch it before you commit. You can access the video on our website by clicking here.
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday is this coming Wednesday, February 14. As you attempt to keep a holy Lent this year, this is the best way to start…by being church that day. The schedule is as follows:
7:00 a.m., Holy Communion & Imposition of Ashes
12:00 p.m., Holy Communion, Penitential Office, & Imposition of Ashes
7:00 p.m., Holy Communion, Penitential Office, & Imposition of Ashes (incense used)
Shrove Tuesday
Since Lent starts on Wednesday, that means Shrove Tuesday is February 13. Come on out for our traditional Pancake Supper. I have it on good authority that we will also be eating beignets and drinking café au lait. You don’t want to miss that!
Lenten Schedule
Just a quick reminder that we have Morning and Evening Prayer in the church every day during Lent. Won’t you consider joining us as part of your Lenten disciplines this year?
Bible Study
Since Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, we will not have Bible Study this week.
But in a nod to how silly we sometimes get at Bible Study, check out this “Sermonator” picture at the top of the left column of this email. My thanks to Norman & Amy Miller for providing the shirt and the laughs!
Altar Guild Breakfast Social
To help out one of our Junior Altar Guild Members, Abigail Byrd, with her fundraising, Altar Guild will gathering for a breakfast fellowship at 9:00 a.m. during the Classical Scholars Fundraiser tomorrow morning, February 10. If you would like to attend, please let Alice Owen know (if you have not already done so).
St. Valentine’s Day
Last week, I indicated that we need to reflect on our priorities regarding the conflict between Ash Wednesday and our secular Valentine’s Day celebrations. This week I thought I would lighten up a bit and let you see this pretty funny carton I ran across. Enjoy!
Men’s Breakfast
The men of the parish enjoyed themselves at their breakfast last Saturday morning. Here is the group “chowing down.”
There are several more announcements below, as well as the daily schedule for Lent. Blessings to all of you and I will see you this weekend.
Fr. Erich
This Week in the Parish
Saturday, February 10
9:00 AM, Altar Guild Breakfast Social
Sunday, February 11, Quinquagesima
8:30 AM, Holy Communion
9:45 AM, Sunday School
11:00 AM, Holy Communion
12:15 PM, Fellowship Lunch
Monday, February 12
6:30 PM, Vestry Meeting
Tuesday, February 13, Shrove Tuesday
11:00 AM, Book Study
5:00 PM, Pancake Supper
Wednesday, February 14, Ash Wednesday
7:00 AM, Holy Communion & Imposition of Ashes
12:00 PM, Holy Communion, Penitential Office, & Imposition of Ashes
7:00 PM, Holy Communion, Penitential Office, & Imposition of Ashes (incense used)
Thursday, February 15
8:00 AM, Morning Prayer
5:30 PM, Evening Prayer
Friday, February 16
8:00 AM, Morning Prayer
5:30 PM, Evening Prayer
7:00 PM, Stations of the Cross
Classical Scholars Fundraiser
· Tomorrow morning, Saturday, February 10, Classical Scholars will hold a pancake breakfast fundraiser for their upcoming Annual 8th grade trip. Breakfast is served between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. and the cost is $5.00. Feel free to drop in!
Coffee Hour & Fellowship Lunch
· There is a new sign up sheet for the coming months of our weekly Sunday fellowship luncheon, which follows the 11:00 a.m. worship. Please get with your group and pick three dates. If you would like to join a lunch team, please see Kathy Zwingert.
Food Bank
· Bread of Life in Transylvania County is this month’s recipient of our in-gathering of food stuffs.
Tuesday Book Study
· C.S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters is our study book. It is very easy to jump in at any time. Join us at 11:00 a.m. Tuesday mornings. Please read Letters 26-28.
Flowers and Sanctuary Candle Charts
· New charts are available on the bulletin board for the giving of flowers and sanctuary candles. The suggested donation for flowers is $50.00 and it is $10.00 for the sanctuary candle. Sign up today to be sure you are able to get your desired day.
Lenten Fish Fry
· It’s that time again! On Friday, March 16, we will hold our Lenten Fish Fry. Tickets are $9.00 each in advance ($10 at the door) for breaded tilapia filets, roasted potatoes, hush puppies, coleslaw, and iced tea or lemonade. Take-out will be from 5-6 PM and dine-in will run from 6-8 PM. Kids under 12 eat free. Ticket packets will be available this Sunday, February 11.
Lenten Schedule
8:00 AM Morning Prayer
8:30 AM Holy Communion
9:45 AM Sunday School
11:00 AM Holy Communion
5:30 PM Evening Prayer
8:00 AM Morning Prayer
5:30 PM Evening Prayer
8:00 AM Morning Prayer
11:00 AM Book Study
12:00 PM Stations of the Cross
5:30 PM Evening Prayer
8:00 AM Morning Prayer
5:30 PM Evening Prayer
6:00 PM Holy Communion
6:30 PM Meatless Supper
7:00 PM Bible Study
7:00 PM Choir Practice
8:00 AM Morning Prayer
5:30 PM Evening Prayer
8:00 AM Morning Prayer
5:30 PM Evening Prayer
7:00 PM Stations of the Cross
8:00 AM Morning Prayer
5:30 PM Evening Prayer