Dearly Beloved,
We are now in the pre-Lenten season, a time of preparing for the disciplines of Lent. The three Sundays of this time have the funny Latin names of Septuagesima, Sexagesima, and Quinquagesima. Those Latin names for these Sundays signify that they are about the seventieth, sixtieth, and fiftieth days before Easter. Common Prayer, a commentary on our prayer book lectionary, tells us that the Epistles and Gospels appointed for these three Sundays encourage us to reflect upon the virtues that are necessary for holiness of life. Such reflection is necessary at this time because a renewal of holiness is the object of our Lenten disciplines. A virtue is a good habit. It is the settled, established disposition of a power of the soul to act properly and right. Such virtues are moral virtues and they guide our desires and choices. There are four cardinal or principal moral virtues: prudence, courage, temperance, and justice. They were known to the ancient world, and adorned the lives of many notable pagans. As such, they were acquired virtues, ingrained in the soul by ceaseless practice and hard discipline. Their aims, no matter how noble, were strictly natural, having to do with man’s happiness in this life. With baptism into Jesus Christ come other virtues, of which human effort is incapable. These are the infused virtues. Infused virtues are the virtues which the Holy Ghost plants and nurtures in the souls of Christ’s members. The object of these virtues is man’s supernatural happiness and eternal blessedness. Chief among the infused virtues are faith, hope, and charity, known as the theological virtues. Through these virtues, the Holy Ghost gives Christians an aptitude for holiness of life. Yet this aptitude and potential for holiness must find expression and perfection in our everyday activity. Thus, the theological virtues express themselves through the cardinal virtues of prudence, courage, temperance, and justice. Let us, therefore, spend this pre-Lenten season with minds open to learn about the virtues, praying for them, that our lives might become more holy during the upcoming Lenten season. It has been 2 weeks since I last wrote to you and I want to get you caught up with what has happened and what is in store for us here at All Saints Church. ShakespeareIt was such a delight to watch As You Like It, performed by the middle schoolers of Classical Scholars at our parish performance on Sunday, February 2. The heroine of the play is Rosalind, played by Lillian Riddle at our performance. Rosalind’s devoted and constant companion is Celia, played by our own Chloe Byrd. Chloe and Lillian are pictured above in the header picture. It was a delightful performance and all the students did a magnificent job entertaining us, as they do every year! I have included more pictures below.

CharlieIt was my most profound joy to finally meet Charlie Chamberlin, the newborn son of Ashley and Jesse Chamberlin, last week. See us together here? Aren’t you jealous?! We hope to see Charlie in church very soon and then you too can finally meet him! News of Note
- Bill Fishburne was hospitalized on Thursday for what turned out to be excessive bleeding in the knee he had replaced 2 weeks ago. This morning they were preparing him for surgery when his doctor decided that the problem was actually taking care of itself. Bill has been released from the hospital and has returned home. Please pray for his continued recovery.
- We were “pleased as punch” to have Claude Smith back in church with us this week. As you know, he had his hip replaced just before Christmas and he is doing very well. Thanks be to God!
- Norman Miller had shoulder surgery last week and he has made remarkable progress. He has been released to return to work on a limited basis and will continue his physical therapy. He extends his thanks to all of you for keeping him in your prayers.
Bible StudyWe will finish our study of St. Matthew’s Gospel this coming Wednesday night, February 19. We started St. Matthew back in September of 2018. It has been an enlightening and fulfilling study of what is known as the Gospel for the Church. Thanks to everyone who spent these many Wednesdays together! Tuesday Book StudyThis coming Tuesday, February 18, we will be turning to the section on The Enigma of Evil. We are currently reading Angels and Demons: A Patristic Perspective by Harry Boosalis. Please finish reading chapter 3 for this Tuesday’s class. Ash WednesdayAsh Wednesday is but a week and a half away on February 26. As you know, Ash Wednesday begins the Lenten season and is a day every Christian should be in church. There are plenty of opportunities to be church that day, no matter how full your day is. Here is the worship schedule:
- 7:00 a.m., Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes
- 12:00 p.m., Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes & Penitential Office
- 7:00 p.m., Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes & Penitential Office (incense used)
Lenten StudyThe topic for our Lenten Study this year is 24 Hours That Changed the World. This study, of course, focuses on the last day of Jesus’ earthly life. We will examine the geographical and historical settings of the events of the day, reflect on Jesus’ death through discussions of Scripture, and hopefully help us to see ourselves in the story. This study will be held twice each week during the usual Tuesday Book Study time of 11:00 a.m. and also during Wednesday night Bible Study at 7:00 p.m. so that everyone might have a chance to join in. I encourage all of you to set aside one of these times as part of your Lenten devotions to focus more fully on what our Lord Jesus Christ has accomplished for us. Lenten Fish FryAnd since Lent is right around the corner, its not too early to think about the Lenten Fish Fry on March 20. Ticket packets will be available starting tomorrow, February 16. Palm Branches & Palm CrossesPlease bring in your palm branches and crosses from last year no later than next Sunday, February 22, so they may be burned for ashes for Ash Wednesday. That is about all the news we have for right now. Keep on praying for one another and don’t forget to pray for those for whom no else will pray this day! Blessings,Fr. Erich
This Week in the Parish
Sunday, February 16, Sexagesima· 8:30 a.m., Holy Communion· 9:45 a.m., Sunday School· 11:00 a.m., Holy Communion· 12:15 p.m., Fellowship Lunch Tuesday, February 18• 11:00 a.m., Book Study Wednesday, February 19• 6:00 p.m., Holy Communion• 6:30 p.m., Fellowship Dinner• 7:00 p.m., Bible Study• 7:00 p.m., Choir Practice
As You Like It
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