“Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire, And lighten with celestial fire.”
Dearly Beloved,
The verse above, from a 9th century Latin text (our Hymn #217), is what we as Christian people should pray and hope happens at each and every moment of each and every day. This is what happened to the Apostles at the very first Christian Pentecost when “…suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts 2:2-4).
The disciples had been waiting, according to Jesus’ instructions, waiting for the final act in the Drama of Redemption, waiting for Jesus’ work, appointed to Him by the Father, to be perfected. And then Jesus’ final promise came to fruition, the Comforter had come, the Spirit of Sanctification had arrived to abide with the Church on earth. Jesus had commanded them to “love one another.” And so here came Love itself, to be written in their hearts, the very first fruits of Jesus’ Ascension, for “God is Love, and he that abides in love abides in God and God in him” (I John 4.16).
This is what we celebrate specifically this coming Sunday on Pentecost, that the “celestial fire,” Love, has come to enlighten us, that Love has come to abide in us and, since God is Love, that God now abides with us. And so we know that He is with us, “even unto the end of the world. Amen” (Matthew 28:20).
A Very Crafty Person
Our own Mary Odom, daughter of Sally & Glen Blackburn, is a featured artist at an exhibition at the Folk Art Center at Milepost 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. The exhibition celebrates the graduates of Haywood Community College’s Professional Crafts Program. Mary’s piece in the exhibit is a fiber craft (textiles). Congratulations Mary!
Men’s Breakfast
The men of the parish will gather tomorrow morning, June 3, at 8:30 AM at the Mills River Restaurant for food and fellowship.
Ethan Byrd’s Graduation Party
Ethan Byrd is graduating from high school and there will be a party and presentation of diploma ceremony to celebrate the event tomorrow, Saturday, June 3, at 4:30 p.m. Eric and Rebekah Byrd invite all of you to join with them in celebrating Ethan’s big day. The event will be held at Doug & Cynthia Hensley’s House, 1125 Highland Ave. in Hendersonville. Gifts are NOT expected. The Byrds just want all of you there…because that is what families do.
Bible Study
Bible Study returns this coming week on June 7, as does our Wednesday night supper. We will be studying the Book of Jonah for the month of June, a mere four weeks. If you have never joined us before for Bible Study, come on out and give it a try.
If You Are Traveling…
Please remember, as you begin your travels this summer, to put yourself on the Travel Prayer List on the bulletin board in the parish hall. This not only lets us know you are heading off but also allows us to pray that God brings you home safely to us!
Read on below to see the rest of your announcements and keep up the praying for all those who need and desire our prayers.
Fr. Erich
Tuesday Book Study
· Our Tuesday Book Study is studying novel Heaven Breaks In by Nicholas Cappas. This book is modeled on C.S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters but is written from the “opposite” perspective.
Youth Confirmation Class
· Confirmation class for our young people is at 9:45 a.m. every Sunday and will run until the middle of June, before taking a break for the summer. Bishop Chad Jones, our Suffragan Bishop, will be visiting on November 5, and so we begin the preparation of our children. The children in the class are Anthony, Peyton and Jack. Please pray for them as they move forward to come into full communion with Christ’s Holy Church.
Food Bank
· Western Carolina Rescue Mission in Buncombe County is this month’s recipient of our in-gathering of food stuffs.
Calling All Canners
· As you are preserving and canning this spring, set aside 2-5 jars of your homemade favorites to sell at All Saints Annual Craft Market on October 7, 2017. The ladies are excited to expand their Craft Market bake sale to include parishioner’s own canned items.
Prayer List Reminder
· All of our prayer lists are purged at the end of the month. If someone you know needs continued prayers, please enter their name again on the Prayer Request Sheet on the bulletin board in the parish hall.
Altar Flowers & Sanctuary Lamp
· Please sign up for Flowers and Sanctuary lamp dedications. There are plenty Sundays left for your dedications. Remember, two dedications may be made each Sunday. The suggested donation for flowers is $50. Sanctuary Lamp dedication is $10.
Altar Guild Brunch
· On Saturday, June 17, All Saints Altar Guild is hosting a social brunch here at the church for guild members and anyone interested in learning more about this ministry. We will begin at 10:00 a.m. in the parish hall. Please join us! See Meredith Kuehn or Alice Owen for more information.
Ladies of All Saints Meeting
· Ladies, immediately following the Altar Guild Social on June 17, we will have our quarterly LASSES meeting in the parish hall at 11:00 a.m. As a reminder, all women of All Saints are considered part of our ladies group and encouraged to attend.