Dearly Beloved,


We are now moving into the pre-Lenten season, the time when we prepare ourselves for the devotions and disciplines of Lent. St Paul in this coming Sunday’s Epistle, using athletic metaphors, reminds us that we are running in a race and that we “run, that ye may obtain” a crown, not the corruptible one the world strives for, but rather an incorruptible one. This is the time of year when the Church reminds us to pay particular attention to the race we are in for our very lives…our very eternal lives. I always think of Olympic athletes whenever we consider St. Paul’s words. None of those athletes will ever stand on the podium receiving the gold medal unless they strive for the mastery in their sport. And so it is with us. Unless we strive for the mastery in our faith, we will never receive the gold medal we look for…life everlasting. Simply put, in our faith, just as in athletics, practice makes perfect!


We have quite a few things coming up in the life of this place, not the least of which is that Lent begins on March 1 on Ash Wednesday so let’s take a look…


Tuesday Book Study

Only two more classes remain in our study of Mere Christianity which we began back in September. If you have been with us for most of these classes, you sure don’t want to miss the last two!


Wednesday Bible Study

We are in Chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation. It is not too late to join us as we are now in the heart of this book of Scripture.


Adult Sunday School

Our classes on the symbolism in the church continues every Sunday morning at 9:45 a.m.


Altar Guild

The guild will meet on Saturday morning, February 18 at 9:30 a.m. in the church. They will be finished just in time for…


The Ladies of All Saints Meeting & Luncheon

The women of the parish will gather for a meeting and luncheon at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 18 in the parish hall. Remember ladies, if you are a member of the “fairer sex,” you are automatically a member of our Ladies group. Come out and join in!


Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

We will hold our yearly pancake supper on Tuesday, February 28, the night before Ash Wednesday. It will run from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.


Ash Wednesday, March 1

  • 7:00 a.m., Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes

  • 12:00 p.m., Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes & Penitential Office

  • 7:00 p.m., Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes & Penitential Office (incense used)


And upcoming in March, along with the usual round of daily worship for Lent, we will host a Lenten Quiet Day for our area deanery on March 18 and our Lenten Fish Fry will happen on March 24. See the details in the announcements below.


Blessings to all of you and see you in church!


Fr. Erich


Food Bank

· Bread of Life in Transylvania County is this month’s recipient of our in-gathering of food stuffs.

Lenten Quiet Day

· We will host a Lenten Quiet Day for our deanery on March 18 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Fr. Gregory Miller, Rector of St. Matthew’s Church in Weaverville will be our Quiet Day leader. The theme of the day is “Breaking the Sin Barrier: Responding to God’s Grace in Christ Jesus.” Lunch will be provided. There is no cost but a love offering will be taken to thank Fr. Miller for his gift to us. Please sign-up on the bulletin board so we can plan on you coming.

Lenten Fish Fry

· It‘s that time again! On Friday, March 24, we will hold our Lenten Fish Fry, Tickets are $9.00 each in advance ($10 at the door) for breaded tilapia filets, roasted potatoes, hush puppies, coleslaw, and iced tea or lemonade. Take-out will be from 5-6 PM and dine-in will run from 6-8 PM. Kids under 12 eat free. Ticket packets are available now.
· And you know that we need your help to make this a success. We ask that you sign out 10 tickets and sell them to your friends, or just buy them and hand them out to folks, to introduce them to our parish.




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