
Barbara, Becky, Brian, Carolyn, David, Frances, Fred, George, Nancy, Norm, Pat, and Randy.

Family, Friends, & Others:

Alison, Amy, Barbara, Caroline, Carrie, Charlie, Chris, Dan, Dean, Debby, Ellen, Erica & children, Gary, Glenn, Harlene, Ian, Jim, Joan, Joey, Larry, Lucille, Melissa, Michelle & child, Mollie, Morgan, Naomi, Pat, Paul, Susan, and David, bishop.


Anne, Chuck, David, Kathleen, Meredith, and all of our families, friends, and loved one who may be traveling this Thanksgiving week.

Provincial Prayer Cycle:

Holy Apostles Church, Pewaukee, WI, Rev. Canon John Armstrong, Rector; Church of the Holy Family, Casper, WY, Rt. Rev. Jimmie Dean, Rector; Church of the Morning Star, Wind River Reservation, WY, Rt. Rev. Kenneth Kinner, Bishop-in-charge; Church of the Holy Trinity, Sheridan, WY, Chair of Vicar is vacant.

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