
Jeani, Barbara, Larry, Bonnie, Shelly, Bob, Betty.

Family, Friends, & Others:

Alex, Amy, Ashley & Child, Barbara, Bill, Caroline, Christine, Danny, Dean, Jan, Jim, Lynda, Mary, Mollie, Morgan, Naomi, Pat, Ron, Susan, Terry, Tom.


Dave, Ron, Herta.

Provincial Prayer Cycle:

All Saints Church, Charlottesville, VA, Rev. Canon Glenn M. Spencer, Rector; Christ Church at Union Chapel, Carloover, VA, Rev. Thomas McHenry, Priest-in-charge; Church of St John the Baptist, Marshall, VA, Rev. Canon Jonathan Ostman, SSC, Rector; Church of the Ascension, Eastville, VA, Rev. Thomas G. Shannonhouse, Rector; Church of the Ascension, Centreville, VA, Rev. Michael Weaver, Priest-in-charge; Church of the Epiphany, Amherst, VA, Rev. William Crites, Priest-in-charge; Church of the Good Shepherd, Abingdon, VA, Rev. Timothy Weiss, Priest-in-charge.

Your prayers are especially needed for the State of Texas as they begin to overcome the devavstation of Hurricane Harvey.



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