
Barbara, Brian, Carolyn, Frances, Jeani, Jon, Larry, Pat, Priscilla, and Randy.

Family, Friends, & Others:

Allison & child, Barbara, Becky, Chris, Dean, Debra, Diane, Drew, Emily & child, Helga, Jack, Joan, Joanne, John, Mary, Monica, Naomi, Tyler, and Waylan.

Rest in Peace:

Anna, Mark, priest.

U.S. Armed Forces:  

4th Platoon of the 812th Adjutant General Company, Justin  

Provincial Prayer Cycle:

Church of Our Redeemer, Marietta, GA, Rev. Beau Davis, Priest-in-charge; St. Aidan’s Church, Des Moines, IA, Rev. Bradford Johnson, Priest-in-charge; St. John’s Cathedral, Quincy, IL, Rt. Rev. Stephen D. Strawn, Dean; St. Andrew’s Church, Franklin, IN, Rev. Keith Coyner, Rector; Cathedral of St. Edward the Confessor, Indianapolis, IN, Very Rev. J. Charles King, Dean.

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