Barbara, Bill, Brian, Carol, Carolyn, Frances, Jeani, Jon, Larry, Pat, Priscilla, and Randy.
Family, Friends, & Others:
Allison & child, Barbara, Brandon, Chris, David, Dean, Diane, Drew, Emily & child, Helga, Jack, Jeff, Joan, Joe, Mary, Melanie, Myra, Naomi, Nina, Rob, and Waylan.
U.S. Armed Forces:
4th Platoon of the 812th Adjutant General Company.
Provincial Prayer Cycle:
Resurrection Mission, Camden, ME, Rev. Frank Gray, Priest-in-charge; St. Francis Mission, Deblois, ME, Rev. James Dumond, Priest-in-charge; St. Thomas Church, Ellsworth, ME, Rev. Edwin Kalish, Rector; Church of the Transfiguration, Mechanic Falls, ME, Rev. Gary Drinkwater, Priest-in-charge; St. Paul’s Church, Portland, ME, Rev. Andrew S. Faust, Rector.