Parishioners: Barbara, Bill, Brian, Carol, Frances, Jeani, Jon, Larry, Pat, Priscilla, and Randy.
Family, Friends, & Others: Allison & child, Barbara, Chris, Cina, Dean, Debbie, Debra, Diane, Drew, Emily & child, Greg, Helga, Jack, Janice, Jim, Joan, Joanne, Mary, Monica, Myra, Naomi, Nina, Sid, Tyler, and Waylan.
U.S. Armed Forces: 4th Platoon of the 812th Adjutant General Company.
Provincial Prayer Cycle: Holy Trinity Church, Lafayette, LA, Rev. Mr. James Odom, Deacon-in-charge; Christ Church, Metairie, LA, Rev. Canon John Hollister, Priest-in-charge; St. Hilda of Whitby Church, Natchitoches, LA, Rev. Francis Fonteneau, Priest-in-charge; St. Botolph’s Church, Boston, MA, Rev. Lawrence Marshall, Priest-in-charge; St. Anne’s Church, Charlotte Hall, MD, Rt. Rev. William McLean, Jr., Rector.