Annual Parish Meeting

Tomorrow, November 22, 2020 at 12:15 PM

Our Annual All Saints Church Parish Meeting will be held in the church tomorrow at 12:15 p.m., immediately following the 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion.

In order to ensure that social distancing protocols may be observed, we will project the live feed of the meeting into the parish hall.

We will also live-stream the meeting, as we do our worship services, for those who cannot be present. As a reminder, you can watch on our Website, our Facebook Page, and our YouTube Channel. Here are the links for each streaming channel:

All Saints Website Live
All Saints Facebook Page
All Saints YouTube Channel

Annual Thanksgiving Dinner

Our yearly Thanksgiving Dinner happens right after the Annual Meeting. We are providing the turkey and ham and you provide the side dishes. Bring your favorite dish to share with us.

See you tomorrow! Blessings,
Fr. Erich

PS Be sure to read your announcements below!


Adult Sunday School
· There will be no adult Sunday school tomorrow. This class will  resume on December 6.
· The children and youth Sunday school will meet at their regular time and place.

Men of the Parish Take Note
· This year we have 3 bicycles to purchase for needy children on our Angel Tree. The men of the parish have always gathered the money together. We ask that every man in the parish kick in $20 or $40 to make this happen. Get the money to me or Tom Clyde as soon as possible. We have already purchased the bikes. You can see them in the parish hall. Thank you Men!

Annual Stewardship Campaign
· If you have not yet returned your commitment card, we ask that you please do so tomorrow, before the start of the Annual Meeting (or please contact Dave Brauner if you cannot be here tomorrow). There are stewardship cards and envelopes in the pews, if you leave your card at home. Just fill it out and drop it in the offering plate. As you know, we are a self-supporting parish, which means we receive no outside support. It is only with all of us giving of our time, talent, and resources that the work of the Gospel here is accomplished.

Thanksgiving Day
· This coming Thursday, November 26, we will celebrate the Holy Communion on Thanksgiving Day, beginning at 10 a.m. We will sing a few hymns, worship our Lord, and be on our way to Thanksgiving feasting in 45 minutes. Be sure to set aside time to be here that morning. Since Thanksgiving Day is actually about how Almighty God has blessed us in this nation, is there any better way to start the day than in church? For those who cannot make it Thursday morning, we will celebrate the Thanksgiving Day Holy Communion the day before, on Wednesday night, at our usual time of 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday Night Bible Study
· Our Wednesday night Bible study will be on break this coming Wednesday, November 25. We will pick back up with St. Paul’s first letter to Timothy on Wednesday, December 2. 

Advent Lessons & Carols
· The All Saints Choir will proudly present its annual Advent Festival of Lessons and Carols on Sunday, December 6, at 5:00 p.m. This special service was started in 1918 at King’s College Chapel in Cambridge, England and it is a re-telling of the story of our redemption—from prophecy to fulfillment—through Holy Scripture and music.

St. Nicholas Party
· Don’t forget that our annual St. Nicholas Party always follows  right after Advent Lessons & Carols. We have it on good authority that jolly old St. Nick will make it this year to fill up those shoes just like he does every year. Don’t miss your chance to perhaps spy on him as he goes about his work!

Angel Tree
· Once again our church has adopted children from our community who are in need this holiday season. These referrals come in from Henderson County Schools to the Storehouse in Hendersonville. If you would like to help us provide gifts and needed items, the Angel Tree at the back of the church has “ornaments” which identify a child. Please pick an ornament, or two (or three even!) and go out and shop for the child on that ornament.
· Important: Please return the gift unwrapped, with the ornament attached to it, to the church. The deadline for returning the gifts is Sunday, December 6. If you would like someone to shop for you, please see Dss. Cynthia.

Food Bank
· Bread of Life in Transylvania County is this month’s recipient of our in-gathering of food stuffs.

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