Dearly Beloved,
It is time to get back to our regular activities in the parish. Here is what is in store for us this week.
Sunday School Classes Return
All Sunday School classes resume tomorrow Sunday, September 12, at 9:45 a.m. Here are the details.
- Adult Sunday School: This class meets every Sunday morning in the parish hall. Last year, we began a discussion of What Christians Believe—And Why It Matters. Last May, we paused this class while we were discussing the humanity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and that is where we will pick back up when class reconvenes. This is also the class for our high school students.
- K-3rd Grade Class: This class is taught by Sandy Peninger. The class will be taking a Journey through the Parables of Christ this fall. Activities will be storytelling, drama, crafts and more! The curriculum is designed to help children better understand what God really wants from them.
- 4th-7th Grade Class: Dss. Cynthia teaches this class. It will focus on the Church’s worship and the life of faith of the youth in the class.
Bible Study Resumes
Bible Study will be held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays this year to allow everyone who wishes to participate the opportunity to attend.
- Wednesday Evening Class: This class returns on September 15 at 7:00 p.m. This year we will begin with St. Paul’s Letter to the Hebrews.
- Tuesday Morning Class: On Tuesday mornings at 11:00 a.m., we will also study the Letter to the Hebrews. Dss. Cynthia will be leading this class.
Join Our Choir!
Our choir returns tomorrow. If you have considered joining the All Saints Choir, now is the perfect time to get started! Stop by and talk to Todd our organist to find out more about what is involved in being a choir member.
Church Picnic
We kick off our fall fellowship with a parish cookout immediately following the 11:00 a.m. celebration of the Holy Communion tomorrow. Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided. Please join us as we “return to normal” in our life together.
Blessings and see you tomorrow!,
Fr. Erich