UPDATE on March 30, 2020: Public Worship Suspended until April 30, 2020
Dearly Beloved,
It is with a heavy heart that I must tell you that all public worship at All Saints Church is suspended, effective immediately. I received a letter from the House of Bishops of our Anglican Province of America directing all the clergy to suspend all forms of public worship for the next two weeks. If you wish to see that letter, click here.
While we may or may not agree with this suspension, we will follow this directive. As a priest, I am obligated to respond with obedience to the words of the bishops of our church.
This does not mean, however, that All Saints will be closed. Our doors will be open just as they normally are on Sundays and during the week. If you want to come into the Presence of our Lord and abide in front of His altar, please feel free to do so.
Obviously, this changes things considerably for us and our life together. I ask for your patience as we begin to consider how we move forward in the present crisis facing us. If you have any questions, please give me a call or send me an email.
Blessings to you all. I am
Yours ever in Christ Jesus,
Fr. Erich

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