For the past couple weeks, we have been talking about a surprise that the Vestry had for the congregation. That surprise was unveiled yesterday. Using some proceeds from a bequest from the estate of Betty Parkinson, the vestry decided to “upgrade” the upholstery and carpeting in the church to provide us with a more warm, church feeling. So it was out with the old green carpeting and kneelers and in came the new red, which, by the way, is called Cathedral Red (hence the title of this post). Check out the pictures below and you will see how absolutely stunning the new upholstery and carpeting is. The vestry also took this opportunity to provide for a wheelchair accessible pew. The cushions on the pews will also be replaced but they take a bit of time to manufacture. We hope to have them in place by Easter. Fr. Erich had many discussions with Betty over the years about her dislike of the green upholstery in the church. He and the vestry believe this enhancement of our worship space would honor her memory and her commitment to this parish in a very practical way. We are truly blessed to have had Betty in our lives and now to have this new, constant remembrance of her.



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