Dearly Beloved,
This past Sunday, we heard from St. James in his Epistle that everyone should be “slow to speak, slow to wrath: for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.” I briefly mentioned this verse in my sermon and commented on how many who identify themselves as Christians seem to have a serious difficulty in taking James’ words to heart. There is no doubt this is very much a by-product of this period of time in our country. When you watch the news, listen to the radio, read the news on the internet or newspaper, or engage social media, there is no doubt that people are speaking without thinking and attacking one another. It is very clear that nothing but anger drips from the words which spring from their mouths. This anger is the “wrath of man” of which James speaks. And when we allow this to happen in us, then the “righteousness of God” is not being expressed by us and shown to the world. If we are honest, we have all likely allowed the “wrath of man” to bubble up in us. I know I have.
We must always be on guard and do our best to not allow our sinful nature to overpower us to let that wrath of man spring forth in us. Some of you have shared with me how you have attempted to lessen the chances your baser instincts over take you by “snoozing” Facebook, turning off the 24 hour news channels, reading the Bible, and, of course, praying! All of these are certainly excellent ways (some obviously better than others!). As Christian people, in all of this, we must always keep our eye on the One who has made it possible for us to overcome whatever may confront us, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. St. Peter tells us that “when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously.” (1 Peter 2:23) Jesus was not swift to speak or swift to wrath no matter what happened and thereby the righteousness of God showed forth in him. Let us keep his example in mind and let us be his true disciples by being just as he is.
Election of a Bishop Coadjutor
As you know, last summer Bishop Grundorf announced his retirement in 2020 and called for the election of a man to succeed him as our Diocesan Bishop. Last month, I shared the news with you that I had been nominated to stand for this election and that I have accepted that nomination. I am deeply honored to have been nominated. This was news that we have kept “in the family” until the nomination period had ended, which was this past Sunday. Our diocesan policy is that the nomination period ends 60 days before the election is to take place. The election will take place on July 18 at our diocesan synod this summer in Orlando, Florida.
This is certainly going to a time of change in our diocese. Bishop Grundorf has led us for the past 24 years and whoever succeeds him will have the proverbial “big shoes to fill.” And so we must pray, and we will pray as a family whenever we gather together, that God would guide our diocese in this process. In this matter, it is really going to be the choice of God’s Holy Spirit, who is the one who will lead us into all truth about who should be chosen for this apostolic office.
Vacation Bible School
VBS will be held this year from June 17-21. We still have space available for a few children for this year’s program. Registration forms are available at the church. Be sure to fill out the form for any children that may be coming and get those to Deaconess Cynthia as soon as possible.
ALL VOLUNTEERS PLEASE NOTE: A short training video will be shown on Sunday, June 9 after the 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion. Meet in the large classroom of Simcox Hall.
Welcome to the Parish!
We welcome into our parish family Charlene “Char” Sorensen. Char was a longtime member of St. Alban’s Cathedral and she recently moved to Maggie Valley and has joined us on our journey with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Welcome aboard, Char!
Welcome to the Church!
On Sunday, May 12, we welcomed into Christ’s Holy Church, by Baptism, Houston Richard Linn. Congratulations to Houston, and also to his mother and father, Spencer and Alexis. Houston is the grandson of Deacon Louis & Frances Linn. We pray he will live his life according to this beginning and that he would continue as Christ’s faithful soldier and servant until his life’s end.
Construction Update
The wall around the office building has finally been finished and a concrete pad was poured in front of the basement door. Our landscaper will lay grass on the south side of the office building this coming week. Major kudos to Thomas Baldwin, who procured and planted all the new plants in front of the church and in front of the office building. Thanks Thomas! I still do not have an update on the bell for our tower. I am sure the next thing I hear about will be scheduling the installation and you all will be the first to know.
Pew Cushions have arrived!
The green is finally gone and our new cushions to match our carpeting and upholstery were put in place last weekend. Here is a picture, if you missed being here on Sunday.
Since it has been a few weeks since my last email to you, the announcements have been piling up. Be sure to read through them below to see what is going on around this parish.
Blessings and I will see you in church!
Fr. Erich
This Week in the Parish
Sunday, May 26, Rogation Sunday
· 8:30 a.m., Holy Communion
· 9:45 a.m., Sunday School
· 11:00 a.m., Bible Study
· 12:45 p.m., Fellowship Lunch
Monday, May 27, Memorial Day
· Office Closed
Tuesday, May 28
· 11:00 a.m., Tuesday Book Study
Wednesday, May 29, Ascension Eve
· 6:00 p.m., Holy Communion for Ascension Day
· 6:30 p.m., Fellowship Dinner
· 7:00 p.m., Bible Study
· 7:00 p.m., Choir Practice
Thursday, May 30, Ascension Day
· 7:00 a.m., Holy Communion
· 12:00 p.m., Holy Communion
Saturday, June 1
· 11:00 a.m., Charles & Ruth Bauerlein Interment
Ascension Day
· Holy Communion, Wednesday, May 29 at 6:00 p.m. and Thursday, May 30 at 7:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.
Volunteer Needed: Hendersonville County Rescue Mission Service
· This coming Wednesday, May 29, All Saints will be serving lunch at the Hendersonville Rescue Mission. We still need one volunteer to sign up to serve. Please see Tom Clyde for questions or more details.
Tuesday Book Study
· The Tuesday Book study continues with N.T. Wright’s Surprised by Hope, Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church. This 6-week study includes both video commentary from N.T. Wright and group discussion. Please read chapters 8-9 for this week’s class. We still have 3 weeks left so come out and join us. If you would like to re-watch or catch up on past sessions, the first 3 videos will be shown beginning at 10:00 a.m. before this coming Tuesday’s class.
Wednesday Night Bible Study
· The Bible study group is currently working their way through St. Matthew’s Gospel. If you are not already attending our Wednesday night activities, we bid you come join us! Team John will provide the fellowship meal this week.
Ascension Day
· Holy Communion, Wednesday, May 29 at 6:00 p.m. and Thursday, May 30 at 7:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.
Adult Sunday School
· Our adult Sunday school meets each Sunday morning at 9:45 a.m. in the parish hall.
Ministry Opportunities
· Neat Niks—We are looking for a few folks to join our new Neat Niks team. This group keeps the pews tidy by straightening books, replacing offering envelopes, and other small tasks. Please contact Cynthia Hensley if you are interested being a part of this ministry team.
· Ushers and Greeters—There is always a need for help in this important ministry of our church. Please see Loretta Reynolds today to become a part of the ushers and greeters team.
Altar Flowers & Sanctuary Candle Charts
· Many dates are still available! Charts are on the bulletin board for the giving of flowers and sanctuary candles. The suggested donation for flowers is $50.00 and it is $10.00 for the sanctuary candle.
The Trinitarian
· The latest edition of the Trinitarian newspaper is on the tables in the parish hall. While this newspaper is the official gazette of the Anglican Catholic Church, it is more and more becoming the newspaper of record for all of the traditional Anglican Churches we are in union with. Please read it to see what is happening in our country and throughout the world. We also encourage you to consider supporting this newspaper by subscribing for your own personal copy.
Food Bank
· Bread of Life in Transylvania County is this month’s recipient of our in-gathering of food stuffs.
Lunch and Mission Trip
· Abigail and Ethan Byrd invite you to join them next Sunday, June 2, 2019 after the 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion to learn more about their upcoming mission trip to Honduras. They will be providing our fellowship luncheon that day and sharing all the information about their trip in July.