Ash Wednesday Schedule
February 17, 2021
12:00 p.m., Holy Communion, Penitential Office, & Imposition of Ashes
7:00 p.m., Holy Communion, Penitential Office, & Imposition of Ashes
Lenten Schedule
Lent is that time of year in which we make special devotion to our Lord in the Christian Duties of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Morning and Evening Prayer will be offered daily in the church and will also be live-streamed and we will also walk the Way of the Cross on Tuesdays and Fridays. The Lenten Schedule is at the bottom of this email. The details of this year’s Lenten Mite Box Offering is below. Make your plans now to make this a holy Lent.
Lenten Study
This year’s study will be the video series 24 Hours That Changed the World. We will begin on Wednesday, February 24, at 7:00 p.m., our usual Bible Study time. Remember, Wednesdays are days of abstinence during Lent, so bring your favorite meatless dish with you for dinner. For those who are interested in this class but cannot travel at night, Dss. Cynthia will also present this study on Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m., beginning on February 23. Please let her know so she can plan appropriately for the Tuesday class.
Lenten Mite Box Offering
This year’s mite box/Lenten offering is being directed to a new church plant in Connersville, Indiana. A friend of Fr. Erich, Fr. Richard Tarsitano, with his wife Meghan and their children, has procured a historic church building in that small town with the intent to recover that space for the worship of Almighty God in our traditional Anglican Way of Christianity. The family sold their home in Florida and used the proceeds to purchase what is now Trinity Anglican Church and its rectory. Fr. Tarsitano will be a “tent-maker” priest, working at the local US Post Office. This is truly a missionary endeavor as the family has completely stepped out in faith, trusting that our Lord will bring the increase. The first services at Trinity Church are set to begin in March of this year as they bring renovation work to completion. For more information, please see Trinity Church’s website at We suggest a $1.00/day gift during Lent but, of course, any amount is helpful and is more than welcome. Thank you for your participation this year as we provide a blessing to this missionary work undertaken by a faithful priest and his wife.
Daily Lenten Schedule
8:00 AM, Morning Prayer
8:30 AM, Holy Communion
9:45 AM, Sunday School
11:00 AM, Holy Communion
5:30 PM, Evening Prayer
8:00 AM, Morning Prayer
5:30 PM, Evening Prayer
8:00 AM, Morning Prayer
11:00 AM, Lenten Study
11:00 AM, Holy Communion (Limited Seating)
12:00 PM, Stations of the Cross
5:30 PM, Evening Prayer
8:00 AM, Morning Prayer
5:30 PM, Evening Prayer
6:00 PM, Holy Communion
6:30 PM, Choir Practice
6:30 PM, Meatless Supper (Bring your own!)
7:00 PM, Lenten Study
8:00 AM, Morning Prayer
5:30 PM, Evening Prayer
8:00 AM, Morning Prayer
5:30 PM, Evening Prayer
7:00 PM, Stations of the Cross
8:00 AM, Morning Prayer
5:30 PM, Evening Prayer