Anne, Dcn. Louis, Frances, Jon, Norm, Pat, and Randy.
Family, Friends, & Others:
Amanda, Ava, Bentley, Brandon, Cathy, Chris, Dean, Diane, Erika, Helga, Jack, Jeff, Jenny, Joan, Linda, Lennon, Margaret, Mary, Melissa, Michelle, Michelle & child, Monica, Myra, Naomi, Nina, Pat, Philip, Randall, Susan, and Waylan.
U.S. Armed Forces:
4th Platoon of the 812th Adjutant General Company.
Provincial Prayer Cycle:
All Saints Church, Charlottesville, VA, Rev. Canon Glenn M. Spencer, Rector; St. David’s Church, Charlottesville, VA, Rev. John Ayers, Priest-in-charge; St. Peter the Apostle Church, Christiansburg, VA, Rev. Timothy Weiss, Priest-in-charge; St. Stephen’s Church, Clifton Forge, VA, Ven. C. Thomas McHenry, Rector; Church of the Ascension, Eastville, VA, Rev. Thomas G. Shannonhouse, Rector.