All services this year will be live-streamed on our website and on Facebook.

Since we are all in “Stay-at-Home” mode, we have the unique opportunity to actually “do” Holy Week this year, albeit in a worshiping together, yet separately, way over the internet. We encourage all of you to make fervent use of what we have scheduled. There may not be another opportunity in our lifetime to truly live Holy Week with our Savior in this way. It is certainly appropriate to do so, considering the crisis we are living under. The “How To” of live-streaming is down below. All of the services listed will be live-streamed this week.

Live-stream Holy Week Schedule

Palm Sunday, April 5
8:00 AM Morning Prayer
11:00 AM Holy Communion & Blessing of Palms
5:30 PM Evening Prayer

Monday in Holy Week, April 6
8:00 AM Morning Prayer
12:00 PM Holy Communion
5:30 PM Evening Prayer

Tuesday in Holy Week, April 7
8:00 AM Morning Prayer
12:00 PM Holy Communion
5:30 PM Evening Prayer

Wednesday in Holy Week, April 8
8:00 AM Morning Prayer
5:30 PM Evening Prayer
6:00 PM Holy Communion

Maundy Thursday, April 9
8:00 AM Morning Prayer
5:30 PM Evening Prayer
7:00 PM Holy Communion
8:30 PM The Watch ‘til Midnight (not live-streamed)

Good Friday, April 10
8:00 AM Morning Prayer
10:00 AM Altar Service of Good Friday
12:00 PM 3 Hour Meditations
5:30 PM Evening Prayer
7:00 PM Stations of the Cross

Easter Eve, April 11
8:00 AM Morning Prayer
6:00 PM Easter Vigil & Holy Communion

Easter Day, April 12
8:00 AM Morning Prayer
11:00 AM Festival Holy Communion

How to Live-stream

Our live-streams can be accessed via Facebook AND our website. You DO NOT need a Facebook account to watch. You just need a computer. For those who have Facebook, you know what to do. For everyone else, here is how you do it.
  • Go to our website:
  • In the upper right-hand part of the screen, there is a yellow button that says “Join Us Live.” Click that button and you will be taken to the live-stream page. The feed begins about 4 minutes before the start of the service. The picture above shows you exactly where the “Join Us Live” button is (circled in red).
  • While on this page, you will see a “Notes” tab on the right side of the screen. Click that and you will see the order of service. (Sorry, Facebook people, no order of service for you!)
  • CAUTION: If the feed drops while you are watching, DO NOT touch your computer. It will catch up on its own. This past Sunday, when every church on the planet was live-streaming for the first time, there were some glitches when the servers were overloaded. The server host tells us the problem has been fixed but as more and more churches begin live-streaming, this may well happen again. Just be patient and your feed will pick back up again.
  • NOTE ABOUT VOLUME CONTROL: We have optimized the audio feed to stream properly without distortion. You have the ability to regulate the volume on your computer in two ways. The first is to check the volume on the feed itself. At the bottom of the video itself on the live-stream there will be a speaker icon. Click that icon and a slider bar will pop out next to the icon. Make sure this slider is all the way to full volume. Next, at the bottom right corner of your computer screen, right next to the date and time, is another speaker icon. Click on it and another slider bar will pop up. Use this slider bar to control your volume.
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