Dearly Beloved,
As Advent nears its conclusion, we should reflect on the fact that we are awaiting the coming of our Lord and Savior…both the Babe of Bethlehem, who would die and rise again for our salvation, and also the King of Glory, who will come again to judge the world. We watch and wait. Much as St. John the Baptist watched and waited for the coming Messiah. John plays a central role in the Church’s Advent message here at the end of Advent. In the Gospel this past Sunday, he sent his followers to ask Jesus, “Art thou he that should come, or look we for another?” John was paying attention, he was watching, he was waiting. Jesus responded, “Go and show John again those things ye do hear and see.” And those things were all the marks of the coming Messiah and what he would accomplish. The mystery of the Messiah’s coming was revealed to John. The mystery was revealed to him because he was found to be faithful. He was faithful to his vocation to be the one, as he says in this coming Sunday’s Gospel, who was “the voice of one crying in the wilderness, make straight the way of the Lord.”
And so we must be. St. Paul tells us in the Epistle we heard on Sunday that if we are to be given into our care the mysteries of the coming of God, “it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.” If we are faithful in our vocation of watching and waiting, then that mystery will be revealed to us. Let us watch and wait for His coming, for the fact that our Master is returning. As we rejoice next week as Christmas arrives, let us remember that the Babe born at Bethlehem gave us a Commandment that would prepare us for His Second Coming. The Commandment that would ensure He would find us faithful as we watched and waited for His Return. For it is “a new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another…” (John 13.34) Therein is our vocation as stewards, that we love one another. Let us make it so.
It is amazing that Christmas is almost here! With that in mind, here is our schedule for our Christmas worship times: Christmas Eve, Saturday, December 24 · 7:00 PM Family Eucharist of Christmas · 11:00 PM Christmas Mass at Midnight (incense used) Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25 · 10:00 AM Mass of Christmas Day
Vestry Vignettes Last week, at its regular monthly meeting, the Vestry elected its officers for the new year. Sally Blackburn was re-elected as People’s Warden, Rebekah Byrd was re-elected as Secretary, and Dave Brauner was elected as Treasurer. I appointed Megan Klein as Rector’s Warden.
Christmas Decorating We will setup the Christmas Tree this coming Saturday, December 21 at 10:00 a.m. If you can, we sure could use your hands to help. Also, Sunday, after our 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion, we will decorate the Christmas Tree. No one gets to leave church until they hang at least one ornament!!!
Kitchen Updating The swinging door into the kitchen has finally been installed! Many thanks to Dave Hartig for finding us a carpenter that actually knew what he was doing, as well as thanks to Glen Blackburn for taking the time to sit at the church waiting for the carpenter to finish his work.
St. Timothy’s Porch The contractor finished all his work on our picnic shelter when the painting was completed just before Thanksgiving Day. Once spring rolls around, we will get to cleaning up the landscaping around it.
Read on with your announcements below and be sure to check out the Christmas Schedule at the bottom of this email for all of our events throughout the Christmas season this year.
Blessings,Fr. Erich


Christmas Flowers & Greenery · Envelopes have been placed in the pews to help beautify All Saints this Christmas season.  Please indicate if your gift is in memory or thanksgiving of the people listed. Names will be published in the Christmas bulletin.
Angel Tree · Gifts were delivered last Wednesday! A special thank you to this parish family for your participation in this most important ministry of remembering those in need this holiday season. The Trinitarian · The latest edition of the Trinitarian newspaper is on the tables in the parish hall. Please read to see what is happening in our country and throughout the world in the traditional Anglican Churches. Also, somebody from our parish is famous. Take a look! We encourage you to consider supporting this newspaper by subscribing for your own personal copy.
Children and Youth Sunday School · Our Sunday school program for children and youth are studying, The Life of Christ, From Bethlehem to Emmaus. Ms. Sandy and Dss. Cynthia are enjoying walking this path of Jesus’ early life and earthly ministry with the young people of our parish.
Food Bank · Interfaith Assistance Ministry in Henderson County is this month’s recipient of our in-gathering of food stuffs.

Full Christmas Schedule

Saturday, December 21, St. Thomas, Apostle · 10:00 a.m., Christmas Tree Setup · 12:00 p.m., Holy Communion
Sunday, December 22 · 8:30 a.m., Holy Communion · 9:45 a.m., No Sunday School · 11:00 a.m., Holy Communion · 12:15 a.m., Fellowship Meal / Greening & Decorating of the Church
Tuesday, December 24, Christmas Eve · 7:00 p.m., Family Eucharist of Christmas · 11:00 p.m., Christmas Mass at Midnight
Wednesday, December 25, Christmas Day · 10:00 a.m., Mass of Christmas Day
Thursday, December 26, St. Stephen’s Day · 6:00 p.m., Holy Communion
Friday, December 27, St. John the Evangelist Day · 12:00 p.m., Holy Communion
Saturday, December 28, Holy Innocents Day · 12:00 p.m., Holy Communion
Sunday, December 29, First Sunday after Christmas · 8:30 a.m., Holy Communion · 9:45 a.m., No Sunday School · 11:00 a.m., Holy Communion · 12:15 p.m., Fellowship Meal
Wednesday, January 1, Feast of the Circumcision · 12:00 p.m., Holy Communion
Saturday, January 4, Eleventh Day of Christmas · 4:00 p.m., Twelfth Night Party
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