Parishioners: Ally & child, Barbara, Brenda, Brian, Frances, Julie, Leila, Norm, and Randy. Family, Friends, & […]
The Gospel Lesson today is the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Listen in to the sermon, […]
Parishioners: Ally & child, Barbara, Brenda, Carolyn, Frances, Julie, Leila, Norm, and Randy. Family, Friends, & […]
During our celebration of the Holy Communion today, the Gospel lesson tells the story of Jesus […]
Parishioners: Ally & child, Barbara, Brenda, Carolyn, Frances, Julie, Leila, Norm, and Randy.Family, Friends, & Others: […]
Today’s sermon, during our celebration of the Holy Communion, uses St. Paul’s words in today’s Epistle, […]