Dearly Beloved, This coming week, July 15-20, 2019, is our annual Diocesan Synod being held in Orlando, Florida. For those of you who are new to All Saints, synod is fancy word for a church convention and a synod is actually a church governing body. So our Diocesan synod is when the clergy and laity gather together to discuss and make ecclesiastical decisions. This year, of course, there is a major ecclesiastical decision our Diocese must make. As you know, we will be electing a Bishop Coadjutor, who will be Bishop Grundorf’s successor when he retires from the ministry. This is an extremely solemn duty laid before the synod this year because the decision will guide us into the future in our small portion of the Body of Christ. Because of this, I ask your daily prayers for the Synod through next Thursday, when the election is to take place. Our prayer book is always ready to guide us in prayers that we might ask those things that are pleasing in God’s sight. On page 36 of the BCP is “A Prayer to be used at the Meetings of Convention.” I commend its use to you through the next week. As disciples of Christ, our first “go-to” is always prayer, for in this way only may we allow God’s will to be done, rather than our own. Here is the prayer. Please pray it now.
  • ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, who by thy Holy Spirit didst preside in the Council of the blessed Apostles, and hast promised, through thy Son Jesus Christ, to be with thy Church to the end of the world; We beseech thee to be with the Council of thy Church in this Diocese about to be assembled in thy Name and Presence. Save them from all error, ignorance, pride, and prejudice; and of thy great mercy vouchsafe, we beseech thee, so to direct, sanctify, and govern them in their work, by the mighty power of the Holy Ghost, that the comfortable Gospel of Christ may be truly preached, truly received, and truly followed, in all places, to the breaking down the kingdom of sin, Satan, and death; till at length the whole of thy dispersed sheep, being gathered into one fold, shall become partakers of everlasting life; through the merits and death of Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.
  • You know that I am a candidate. The other two are Bishop Chad Jones, Rector of St. Barnabas Church, Dunwoody, Georgia, and Father James Johnson, Vicar of All Saints Church, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. You can see us all in the header picture above. Bp. Chad and Fr. James are both Godly men and I count both of them as friends. I especially covet your prayers for the three of us who are candidates. Please pray that the Father Almighty might defend us under his wings from any assaults and fiery darts of the enemy and that all that we might do would be pleasing in his sight. Thank you. Office & Church ClosingBecause of synod, our offices will be closed all next week and any normal activities are canceled. The entire contingent from All Saints heading to synod is Deaconess Cynthia & Doug Hensley, Barbara & Bill Fishburne, Tom Clyde, Deacon Louis & Frances Linn, and me. Don’t forget that while we are gone, you may always call me (828-620-0860). If I don’t answer, just leave a message or shoot me a text and I will call you back.Men’s Night at the BallgameWe have had a great response to going to watch the Asheville Tourists play on Monday, August 5. We can handle plenty more. I know men from St. Peter’s, Kingsport, and St. Matthew’s, Weaverville, will joining us. We have reserved the Ingles Picnic Pavilion for our evening, which will be for our use exclusively. The cost per ticket is $25.00. Included with your ticket is an all-you-can-eat, hot off the grill meal (burgers, hot dogs, BBQ chicken), which includes side dishes, dessert and soft drinks. Food service starts at 6:00 p.m. and runs for 1.5 hours. (The game starts at 7:00 p.m.) The area is under cover so we don’t have to worry about rain. We will also be seated in box seats along the right side of the field. We can accommodate as many as wish to attend. So feel free to invite any guy you know to come along with us. Can you think of a better way to introduce someone to All Saints than a fun evening of fellowship and baseball?! And for those of you who know a young man, bring him along. I will pick up the tab for anyone under the age of 18. Sign-up now on the bulletin board in the parish hall. Mission TripEthan and Abigail Byrd are in Honduras right now!. Please keep them in your daily prayers for safety and that the Gospel may shine from them as they go about the Father’s business in Honduras.Summer Break
    • All of our education classes are on break for the remainder of the summer. We will look forward to September as we continue learning more as Disciples of Christ.
    • Sunday lunches and Wednesday evening dinners will also resume in September.
    All Saints ChoirThe choir is taking the month of July off. Many thanks to Brian and the choir for so beautifully enhancing our worship each week. Enjoy a few weeks off folks! Food BankInterfaith Assistance Ministry here in Henderson County is this month’s recipient of our in-gathering of food stuffs. Travel PrayersPlease remember to put your name on the travel prayer list as you prepare to travel this summer. This way we can pray for your safe return to us—and we can keep track of you! Well, that about catches you up for this week. I will see you on Sunday in church!Blessings,Fr. Erich
    This Week in the Parish
    Sunday, July 14, Fourth Sunday after Trinity· 8:30 a.m., Holy Communion· 11:00 a.m., Holy CommunionMonday-Friday, July 15-20· Office Closed· All Regular Activities Cancelled
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