He is Risen. He is Risen indeed!Alleluia!
Dearly Beloved, I wish for all of you a very Happy Easter season in this first email since we celebrated our Lord’s Resurrection together. I am happy to report that we were blessed to have an abundance of worshipers on Easter Sunday and this year we had the largest turnout for the Queen of Feasts in more than a decade. Thanks be to God! We are so blessed here at All Saints Church. I am going to be very brief here today. As most of you know, I am on vacation this week visiting my daughter, son-in-law, and my grandson Tucker. There are two big items for this weekend that you need to know about. Primrose TeaThis coming Saturday, May 4, the Ladies of All Saints will gather from 12:30—3:00 p.m. for their Annual Primrose Tea at the Cedars in downtown Hendersonville, 211 7th Ave. West. Quite a few of the ladies have signed up and they are looking forward to a wonderful time together. If you have any questions, please call Dss. Cynthia at 828-275-7654. And don’t forget to bring your $15 to pay for the meal. Shroud of Turin PresentationThis Sunday, May 5, during the Sunday School hour, we will have a special presentation on the Shroud of Turin. Dr. Ora Wells, a pediatrician from Brevard, has studied the matter of the Shroud for many years. I am sure he will give all of us some incredible “food for thought” regarding the authenticity (or not) of the Shroud and what it may mean for us as modern day Christians. The Shroud of Turin is believed by many to be the shroud/cloth that Jesus was buried in. It depicts the image of a man who has been crucified. It now resides in the city of Turin, Italy. Dr. Wells will bring along artifacts, as well as a full size replica of the Shroud. All Sunday School classes will meet in the parish hall for this presentation. Dr. Wells has long had a relationship with All Saints in that he partners with this parish in distributing Beginner Bibles to the families of all new-borns in the area. I encourage each and every one of you to attend. I have no doubt that this will be a particularly interesting and fascinating time for all of us. Well, it is time for me to get back to playing with Tucker. There are other announcements below so be sure to read them so you don’t miss anything. Please pray for one another and I ask for your prayers for me as I travel home. Blessings,Fr. ErichPS Bring some non-perishable food for Bread of Life food bank on Sunday!
VBS 2019 – Registration and Volunteers• Inside your bulletin on Sundays is the registration form for this year’s VBS. Please fill out and return to Dss. Cynthia a.s.a.p., as spaces will fill up quickly. Please pass along to family, friends, and neighbors. More forms are available if needed.• All Volunteers, please plan on attending at least one of the upcoming informational meetings. The first meeting is this coming Sunday, May 5, and will be held after the 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion in the large classroom of Simcox Hall. Grab your lunch and join us! The second meeting will be held during the Sun-day school hour on May 19 in the same room. If you have not signed up, we still need volunteers. All are welcome!Ministry Opportunities• Neat Niks—We are looking for a few folks to join our new Neat Niks team. This group keeps the pews tidy by straighten-ing books, replacing offering envelopes, and other small tasks. Please contact Cynthia Hensley if you are interested being a part of this ministry team.• Ushers and Greeters—There is always a need for help in this important ministry of our church. Please see Loretta Reynolds today to become a part of the ushers and greeters team.Tuesday Book Study—Books are in!• The Tuesday Book study will return this coming Tuesday, May 7. We will be reading N.T. Wright’s Surprised by Hope, Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church. This is a 6-week study that will include both video commentary from N.T. Wright and group discussion. Books are here! See Cynthia to get your copy now. Books are $10.00.Wednesday Night Bible Study• The Bible study group returns this coming Wednesday, May 8. We will continue to work our way through St. Matthew’s Gospel. If you are not already attending our Wednesday night activities, we bid you come join us! Please note: As there are 5 Sundays in May, Team Matthew will start us off this com-ing Wednesday with the fellowship meal.Kairos International Prison Ministry—Prayers Needed• Sign up today! Kairos International Prison Ministry will hold their yearly event at Avery Mitchell Correctional Institution on May 21—24. You can be a part of this weekend by signing up for the prayer vigil There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board with selected prayer times. If you have any further questions please see Thomas Baldwin.Flower & Sanctuary Candle Charts• Many dates are still available! Charts are on the bulletin board for the giving of flowers and sanctuary candles. The suggest-ed donation for flowers is $50.00 and it is $10.00 for the sanctuary candle.Easter Lilies• A few lilies are still available to take home. They are on the side steps outside the church.Food Bank• Bread of Life in Transylvania County is this month’s recipient of our in-gathering of food stuffs.
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