Dearly Beloved,As I mentioned my email to you last week, Cynthia Hensley has been approved to be set apart as a deaconess in Christ’s Holy Church. Bishop Grundorf and I have scheduled that ceremony for October 7, 2018 at the 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion. We, of course, will have a reception afterwards celebrating this historic day in the life of our parish. I encourage all of you to be present for this great occasion! Since Cynthia will be the first deaconess here in the parish, I thought I would share with you a brief introduction to that ministry and what it actually entails. The Ministry of DeaconessThere are many women called to service in the church. They work tirelessly in schools, altar guilds, offices, missions and in a wide variety of other church activities. These women are most needed and valuable to the clergy who are responsible for administering Christ’s Church. The woman who seeks to be a deaconess, however, is different. She is specifically and rigorously trained for a life-long commitment to service in the church. While she remains in a lay ministry, she seeks a much deeper commitment to working within the Church than the normal parishioner. So what is a Deaconess? It is believed that women have served the church in the role of deaconess (diakonos) as early as the Apostolic period (Romans 16:1). A deaconess cared for the poor, women and children, had special duties during the baptism of women and in the women’s galleries during the Holy Communion. The role of the deaconess remained strong until the Middle Ages when it fell into disuse. It was revived again in England and Europe after the Reformation because there was a great need for the services provided by a deaconess. The role of deaconess remained an important lay vocation until 1976 when the Episcopal Church mistakenly began to ordain women to Holy Orders. The traditional Anglican Church did not make this change. Today’s deaconess in the traditional Anglican church is a lay woman who has answered a calling to work for Christ and His Church. She works under the direction of her rector or her bishop and her duties can be on the parish, diocesan, provincial or community level. And so, a deaconess is a woman who has made a long-term commitment to Christ and His Church. She brings her God-given abilities to its use. Just as Paul describes the Church as a group of people with many different talents, so also will a group of deaconesses have many different capabilities. The rector of her parish will decide how a deaconess’ talents are to be best used in his congregation. Almost all deaconesses, however, will teach at some point, either formally or informally. Almost all will be involved in assisting parish families, women and children in particular. She will help care for the poor and the sick. She will assume other non-priestly duties based on her unique talents and the needs of her parish. Welcome!
We welcome to All Saints Church Janny & Thomas Baldwin. The Baldwins have been worshipping with us for the past few months and we are pleased have them “officially” with us as a part of this portion of Christ’s Holy Church.
Adieu to Judy RhodesIt is with mixed emotions that I must tell you that Judy Rhodes’ ministry among us is coming to an end. I am sad that she will no longer be here with all the joy she brings us both personally and in her music. Yet, I rejoice for her as she has accepted a new challenge in her life-long commitment to Almighty God through her musical abilities. And so we bid her adieu and God’s speed on this new chapter in her life. Judy’s last Sunday will be August 26. Judy has written a letter to the congregation which I have included below. Summer Youth WednesdaysUnfortunately, because of the storms that rolled through this week, we had to cancel the final night of Summer Youth Wednesdays. But, fear not! We have rescheduled the water fun and ice cream party for Wednesday, August 15. All of our young people and their friends should come out for Holy Communion at 6:00 p.m. that night, followed by the traditional hot dog supper. After dinner, the fun begins, slipping and a-sliding, maybe a water balloon fight or two, and then the largest ice cream sundae on the planet will be consumed! Don’t forget to bring a towel. You will get wet! Construction UpdateAs you know, it has rained and rained…and rained some more in the past week! As a consequence, we have been unable to have any additional work done since last week. However, as I am writing this morning, the roofing materials finally arrived for our office addition. Hallelujah! The roofer is scheduled to begin that work next Thursday. The weather outlook looks very favorable for next week so we do not anticipate any further delays in the new roof. Special Message to the Men of the ParishHave you ever heard of Kairos Prison Ministry? Kairos is a 42-year old, worldwide ministry that brings the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ into prisons. Some inmates come only for the food offered and yet leave with a new relationship with their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Many times hardened men finally open up and weep tears held in for far too many years. Kairos unites Christians of many denominations to form a team based on common beliefs and faith. Have you ever considered a ministry to the captives, who our Savior said he would free? Did you know that visiting prisoners is a mark of those who would be brought into God’s kingdom (Matthew 25:31-46)? One of our members, Thomas Baldwin, is a participant in Kairos and is leading the team for a Kairos weekend at Mountain View Correctional Institution in Spruce Pine, October 18-21, 2018. Talk to Thomas at church or give him a call at 828-450-6080 to find out more. You can click here to see a brochure for the upcoming Kairos weekend. Annual School Supply DriveOur school supply drive is coming to a close, and the need for supplies is still great. Please bring in your items by next Sunday, August 12. Thank you for helping supply these much needed items for children and their families who cannot afford these basic necessities for the upcoming school year. Boxes are available into which to drop your donations. Need a shopper? Please see Sara Briggs or Sandy Peninger today! It is hard to believe that summer is already winding down and that means much is on the horizon for us. Read on in the announcements below to see what is on tap for the rest of August and when all of our usual activities return in September. Blessings,Fr. Erich
This Week in the Parish
Sunday, August 5, Tenth Sunday after Trinity· 8:30 a.m., Holy Communion· 11:00 a.m., Holy Communion· No Fellowship Lunch this weekMonday, August 6, The Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ· 12:00 p.m., Holy Communion· 6:30 p.m., Vestry MeetingWednesday, August 8· 6:00 p.m., Holy Communion· 7:00 p.m., Choir Practice
Vestry Meeting· Vestry will meet Monday night, August 6, at 6:30 p.m. Transfiguration of Our Lord· Holy Communion on Monday, August 6, at 12:00 noon. Craft Market 2018· Tables are going fast! If you know someone who would like a table, please get a registration form from Barbara Conner or Cynthia Hensley today. The date for this year’s event is Saturday, October 13. If you are a crafter, artist, knitter, etc. and would like to donate a few items to our All Saints Crafter’s Guild table, please see Kathy Willis. Ladies of All Saints· Our summer Ladies Meeting will be held on Saturday, August 25 at 9:30 a.m. Please plan on coming out that day and helping us plan our upcoming events for autumn. A light breakfast will be served. All are welcome! Craft Market Meeting· Our next Craft Market meeting will be on Monday, August 20 at 9:30 a.m. We are in our final planning stages for this event. If you can volunteer on Saturday, October 13, please join us that morning or see Kathy Willis. Deanery Picnic· Our Annual Deanery Picnic will be on Saturday, August 25 from 12:00—3:00 p.m. The location for this year’s event is 343 Old N.C. 63, Leicester, NC 28748. Join us! Looking Ahead· Parish Workday: We will have a parish workday on Saturday, September 8, at 9:00 a.m. Come out and help us spruce up our building and grounds as we start the fall season here at church.· Wednesday Bible Study: The Gospel of St. Matthew will be our book to study this fall. This is the most “Jewish” of our four Gospels. Come out and see why. Class reconvenes on September 12.· Adult Sunday School: Our Sunday morning class for the adults of the parish will be back in session on September 16.· Youth Sunday School: Our Youth Sunday School will return on Sunday, September 9.· Tuesday Book Study: Our book study this fall will use Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Cost of Discipleship. The cost of the book is $10.00 and is available now. Please see Cynthia or Fr. Erich. Class will start on Tuesday, September 18. The Trinitarian· The latest edition of the Trinitarian newspaper is on the tables in the parish hall. While this newspaper is the official gazette of the Anglican Catholic Church, it is more and more becoming the newspaper of record for all of the traditional Anglican Churches we are in union with. Please read it to see what is happening in our country and throughout the world. We also encourage you to consider supporting this newspaper by subscribing for your own personal copy. Ecclesia Anglicana· The latest edition of our national newsletter is out. This newsletter contains “newsy” items about our Anglican Province of America parishes. This month’s edition has an article about our expansion here at All Saints. Copies have been placed in the pews. Please feel free to take one. You can always stay up-to-date with the latest news of our national church by going to the church’s website Fr. Erich is the webmaster there and is responsible for posting all the national news. Food Bank· Bread of Life Ministry in Transylvania County is this month’s recipient of our in-gathering of food stuffs.
Letter from Judy Rhodes
Dear Brothers and Sisters of All Saints Church,As life continues to be stirred and driven by the Holy Spirit of our Lord, I believe He has shown me the time has come for a change in ministry. I look back on these four-plus years with great fondness and appreciation. Thank you so much for walking beside me and allowing me to play one too few verses and a response too quickly or too loudly or perhaps even the completely wrong tune!!! HAHA! We have had some grand times, some fabulous music, some wonderful Hallelujah Choruses and simply deeply moving messages in song. I could not be more thankful for my time with you, for the friendships, and for the many things I have learned during this time.I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing with me. I am sad to leave you but also excited to see what the Lord has for me next. I know you all are going to continue to grow and to be blessed. I have no doubt of that! I will be expecting great things from you!There have been many positive things at this church that I have never seen before in the body of Christ. I am a witness to that. I pray the Lord will continue to bless you especially in your worship through music.Please pray for me that the Lord will continue to use me. I am thankful to be called according to His purposes. I will always be your sister in Christ and your friend.Love to all of you, always and forever. And save me some fried fish and hush puppies!Your sister in Christ,Judy
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