Dearly Beloved,It has been two weeks since my last email to you and it is time for us to get caught up with what is happening here in the parish and in the lives of our fellow parishioners. Cynthia Hensley
On Monday, July 16, in Charlotte, Cynthia had her final oral examination with the Examining Chaplains of our diocese for being set apart as a deaconess in the Church. She passed with flying colors. She was also interviewed by the Standing Committee of the diocese and she has been recommended to the bishop. Now its just a matter of scheduling Bishop Grundorf to come to All Saints for the ceremony which will set Cynthia apart for the work of a deaconess. At Synod last week, Bp. Grundorf also presented Cynthia with her diploma for her Associate Degree in Sacred Theology from Logos House. Congratulations Cynthia!
Welcome Back
We welcome back to All Saints Church Fr. Paul & Andrew Blankinship. Fr. Paul was on staff here at All Saints several years ago and Andrew was a member as a young boy. We are pleased to have them back with us as we follow our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Kathy WillisWe received word yesterday afternoon that Kathy Willis’ cancer is in remission. Thanks be to God! Your prayers of thanksgiving should ascend to our heavenly Father…right now! Dennis HoughtalingDennis has returned home from rehab and expects to be in church this coming weekend. While Dennis was in rehab, his family moved him to a new apartment, which will be more convenient for him. His phone number has changed. It is 828-424-7039. If you would like to have his new address, please ask Cynthia or me. Dave HartigDave’s recovery from back surgery is continuing. He was able to be with us in church this past Wednesday night. Continue your prayers as he continues to convalesce. Peter ZwingertAs most of you know, Peter graduated from his Nuclear “A” School down in Charleston two weeks ago and was promoted to Petty Officer. After being home on leave for 10 days, he is back on the Navy Base in Charleston awaiting the start of Nuclear Power School in 5 weeks. Construction UpdateLast week, the bell tower foundation was poured and the siding was finished on the east wall of our office addition. We expected our roofing materials to arrive this week. Unfortunately, manufacturing delays on that material have pushed back delivery to August 3 and, as a consequence, the roofer cannot be here until August 9 for installation. Please be patient. Delays always seem to be inevitable in the construction universe. Other than the roof, the next big thing “on tap” is the delivery and erection of the bell tower. We expect it to be delivered within 2 weeks. Remember you can always see more pictures on our news feed here on the website. Summer Youth WednesdaysOur young people and their friends have had wonderful time this summer studying about the Apostle Paul. Of special delight was the appearance of St. Paul himself, along with his friend Dionysius. Our thanks to George Hanson and Jeff Wyatt for presenting the Gospel preached by St. Paul in such a delightful way! This coming Wednesday will be the last night for the kids this summer and will, of course, be a water fun and ice cream night so know you will get wet. Bring a towel! You can see more pictures on our Facebook Page.
Kathy WillisWe received word yesterday afternoon that Kathy Willis’ cancer is in remission. Thanks be to God! Your prayers of thanksgiving should ascend to our heavenly Father…right now! Dennis HoughtalingDennis has returned home from rehab and expects to be in church this coming weekend. While Dennis was in rehab, his family moved him to a new apartment, which will be more convenient for him. His phone number has changed. It is 828-424-7039. If you would like to have his new address, please ask Cynthia or me. Dave HartigDave’s recovery from back surgery is continuing. He was able to be with us in church this past Wednesday night. Continue your prayers as he continues to convalesce. Peter ZwingertAs most of you know, Peter graduated from his Nuclear “A” School down in Charleston two weeks ago and was promoted to Petty Officer. After being home on leave for 10 days, he is back on the Navy Base in Charleston awaiting the start of Nuclear Power School in 5 weeks. Construction UpdateLast week, the bell tower foundation was poured and the siding was finished on the east wall of our office addition. We expected our roofing materials to arrive this week. Unfortunately, manufacturing delays on that material have pushed back delivery to August 3 and, as a consequence, the roofer cannot be here until August 9 for installation. Please be patient. Delays always seem to be inevitable in the construction universe. Other than the roof, the next big thing “on tap” is the delivery and erection of the bell tower. We expect it to be delivered within 2 weeks. Remember you can always see more pictures on our news feed here on the website. Summer Youth WednesdaysOur young people and their friends have had wonderful time this summer studying about the Apostle Paul. Of special delight was the appearance of St. Paul himself, along with his friend Dionysius. Our thanks to George Hanson and Jeff Wyatt for presenting the Gospel preached by St. Paul in such a delightful way! This coming Wednesday will be the last night for the kids this summer and will, of course, be a water fun and ice cream night so know you will get wet. Bring a towel! You can see more pictures on our Facebook Page.
Diocesan SynodWe had a wonderful time at Diocesan Synod last week. A highlight for us, of course, was Cynthia’s big news. The other great event of the week was the consecration as a bishop of my dear friend Fr. David Haines. He is the first man to be consecrated specifically as a Foreign Missionary Bishop in the Anglican Province of America. He will be responsible for providing episcopal oversight of our work in Ecuador and the Caribbean. We had quite a crew representing us in Charlotte. Those who attended were Jeff & Shelly Wyatt, Paul & Alice Owen, Doug & Cynthia Hensley, Tom Clyde, Peter Zwingert, and me. Synod is always an uplifting time to hear about the work of the Lord throughout our diocese and worshipping together. And it is also a wonderful time to see old friends and make new ones as we live our lives together as Christians of the Anglican Way. Here is a picture of our contingent. If you look real close, you can see Tom in the background!
Caring for OthersDon’t forget that we are in the middle of our Annual School Supply Drive. The need for supplies is still great. We encourage all of you to involve yourselves in the gathering of supplies for children and their families who cannot afford these basic necessities for the upcoming school year. Boxes are available into which to drop your donations. A purchasing guide is available at the end of these announcements. Need a shopper? Please see Sara Briggs or Sandy Peninger. The drive will end in two weeks. There are a few other announcements below, so keep on reading. Blessings to all of you and I will see you in church! Fr. Erich
This Week in the Parish
Sunday, July 29, Ninth Sunday after Trinity· 8:30 a.m., Holy Communion· 9:45 a.m., Sunday School· 11:00 a.m., Holy Communion· 12:30 p.m., Fellowship LunchWednesday, August 1· 5:45 p.m., Summer Youth Wednesdays· 6:00 p.m., Holy Communion· 6:30 p.m., Fellowship Dinner
Other Announcements
The Trinitarian· The latest edition of the Trinitarian newspaper is on the tables in the parish hall. While this newspaper is the official gazette of the Anglican Catholic Church, it is more and more becoming the newspaper of record for all of the traditional Anglican Churches we are in union with. Please read it to see what is happening in our country and throughout the world. We also encourage you to consider supporting this newspaper by subscribing for your own personal copy. Ecclesia Anglicana· The latest edition of our national newsletter is out. This newsletter contains “newsy” items about our Anglican Province of America parishes. This month’s edition has an article about our expansion here at All Saints. Copies have been placed in the pews. Please feel free to take one. You can always stay up-to-date with the latest news of our national church by going to the church’s website Fr. Erich is the webmaster there and is responsible for posting all the national news. Craft Market 2018· Tables are going fast! If you know someone who would like a table, please get a registration form from Barbara Conner or Cynthia Hensley today. The date for this year’s event is Saturday, October 13. If you are a crafter, artist, knitter, etc. and would like to donate a few items to our All Saints Crafter’s Guild table, please see Kathy Willis. Food Bank· Interfaith Assistance Ministry in Henderson County is this month’s recipient of our in-gathering of food stuffs.
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