Dearly Beloved,Every year summer signals that Trinity season is underway. The Epistle last Sunday was from St. John’s First Letter, Chapter 4, the unforgettable passage about love. Up until now in the Church Year, we have seen set forth for us, from Advent through Trinity Sunday, the love of God being “manifested…towards us, because that God sent his only-begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.” We have seen the love of God laid out for us in all those mighty acts of our salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord. St. John tells us that, since we now know the love that God has for us, we must respond to that love. “Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.” This Epistle sets our starting point for the remainder of the church year. From here on out, we are going to focus on the application of Christian love in our lives. And we must focus on it, for as the Epistle ends, “this commandment have we from him, that he who loveth God love his brother also.”Parish PicnicThis coming Sunday, June 10, is our annual Parish Picnic. It will be held immediately following our 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion. Once we are dismissed from church, we will head over to Sally & Glen Blackburn’s house outside of Fletcher for the festivities. Directions were printed in your bulletin last Sunday and will be again this week. It is perfectly fine to wear your picnic clothes to church! Construction UpdateQuite a bit has happened since the last email news blast. As you know, the rain finally stopped last week and last Friday the walls started going up on our office addition. Many of you have been watching the progress on our website and our parish Facebook Page. As you can see below, the walls around my new office are in place. We have so many other pictures here on our website. The pictures can be clicked to open up larger versions, so take a look!. The final interior walls are going up as I write today. We expect the roof trusses to be installed tomorrow.
Dearly Beloved,Every year summer signals that Trinity season is underway. The Epistle last Sunday was from St. John’s First Letter, Chapter 4, the unforgettable passage about love. Up until now in the Church Year, we have seen set forth for us, from Advent through Trinity Sunday, the love of God being “manifested…towards us, because that God sent his only-begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.” We have seen the love of God laid out for us in all those mighty acts of our salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord. St. John tells us that, since we now know the love that God has for us, we must respond to that love. “Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.” This Epistle sets our starting point for the remainder of the church year. From here on out, we are going to focus on the application of Christian love in our lives. And we must focus on it, for as the Epistle ends, “this commandment have we from him, that he who loveth God love his brother also.”Parish PicnicThis coming Sunday, June 10, is our annual Parish Picnic. It will be held immediately following our 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion. Once we are dismissed from church, we will head over to Sally & Glen Blackburn’s house outside of Fletcher for the festivities. Directions were printed in your bulletin last Sunday and will be again this week. It is perfectly fine to wear your picnic clothes to church! Construction UpdateQuite a bit has happened since the last email news blast. As you know, the rain finally stopped last week and last Friday the walls started going up on our office addition. Many of you have been watching the progress on our website and our parish Facebook Page. As you can see below, the walls around my new office are in place. We have so many other pictures here on our website. The pictures can be clicked to open up larger versions, so take a look!. The final interior walls are going up as I write today. We expect the roof trusses to be installed tomorrow.
Diocesan Summer Youth CampFour of our young people will be spending next week at Anglican Legacy Camp, which is our diocesan summer youth camp. They will be joining many other children from throughout the southeastern United States. I know they will have a fabulous time as they spend time focused on our Lord, as well as having an awesome time doing typical summer camp things. The friendships they make at this camp will last a lifetime as they come to know others who share their Anglican Way of Christianity.Book Study, Bible Study, & Adult Sunday SchoolThere are only two more classes remaining for Book Study, Bible Study, and Adult Sunday School before we break for the summer. If you are in the Book Study, please finish reading our book about Cain so we can wrap up our discussion over the next 2 weeks. In Bible Study, we are in the midst of the Book of the Prophet Amos and will be turning to Chapter 3 next Wednesday. In our Sunday School class this week, we will take a look at the Book of Judges.Vestry MeetingThe Vestry meets this coming Monday, June 11, at 6:30 p.m. St. Barnabas, ApostleWe will celebrate St. Barnabas Day with Holy Communion on Monday, June 11, at 12:00 p.m. Craft Market MeetingThe next Craft Market meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 18 at 9:30 a.m. All are welcome to join in helping plan for this event. All Saints Altar Guild Quarterly MeetingThe Altar Guild will meet on Saturday, June 23 at 9:45 a.m. We will begin our morning with Holy Communion at 10:00 a.m. A short meeting and luncheon will follow. If you are interested in joining the Altar or Flower Guild, please see Alice Owen and come out and join us.Security NoticeOne final thing that I ask you to take note of is that our Sheriff’s Department has reported an increase of car break-ins here in Henderson County. When you are at church, please be sure to lock your car doors and do not leave valuables visible.That is about it for this week. Don’t forget about the picnic and I will see you on Sunday!Blessings,Fr. Erich
This Week in the Parish
Sunday, June 10, Second Sunday after Trinity· 8:30 a.m., Holy Communion· 9:45 a.m., Sunday School· 11:00 a.m., Holy Communion· 12:45 p.m., Parish PicnicMonday, June 11, St. Barnabas, Apostle· 12:00 p.m., Holy Communion· 6:30 p.m., Vestry MeetingTuesday, June 12· 11:00 a.m., Tuesday Book StudyWednesday, June 13· 6:00 p.m., Holy Communion· 6:30 p.m., Fellowship Dinner· 7:00 p.m., Bible Study· 7:00 p.m., Choir Practice
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