Dearly Beloved, We are approaching the holiest time of the year, Holy Week and Easter. It all starts with Palm Sunday this coming weekend. Maundy Thursday is next Thursday, March 29 and Good Friday is, of course, the very next day. Easter Sunday is on April 1, just 10 days away. The entire schedule from now through Easter is below. Please be sure to be here as we mark the most solemn and glorious moments of the Drama of our Redemption. Other than the worship filled time over the course of the next 10 days, there is much news within our parish. Capital Campaign and Building ProjectWe received our permits from Henderson County so we can begin construction on the office addition. The asphalt where the new building is being built has been removed and Duke Power moved one of our parking lot light poles which was in the way. Here is a picture of the asphalt being removed.

We will photo journal the progress of construction on the parish Facebook page. If you have not “liked” our page yet to receive the updates in your news feed, go to the Page by clicking here. We have received $237,985 in commitments as of today, which is just shy of our goal. Interesting to note is that our project has caught the eye of several people outside of the congregation. They were so impressed by what we are trying to accomplish that they have supported us with their financial commitments also. Those commitments total approx. $16,000! Several of you have not as yet made your commitments. Won’t you please do so before Easter? Your commitment will allow us to wrap up this campaign and focus on expanding this small portion of Christ’s flock. Thanks so much! Fish FryOur Lenten Fish Fry was an incredible success. We served approximately 260 dinners. What took us by surprise was the fact that we had well over 125 take-out dinners go out the door! So while it may have not looked as chaotic in the parish hall that night, it was crazy nuts in the kitchen. We were able to raise over $2400 for our parish. My thanks go out to everyone who helped in any way. It takes a lot of people to pull off an event like this. Special note should be made of our young people who served the tables. Everyone I talked to said our kids did a great job and were very attentive to our patrons. Thanks kids! And we CAN’T WAIT to use our expanded parish hall at the Fall Fish Fry on October! Parish Workday & Palm CrossesThis coming Saturday, March 24, at 9:00 a.m. we will have a parish workday to help spruce up our grounds in preparation for Holy Week and Easter. The ladies of the congregation will also be making palm crosses for Palm Sunday starting at 9:30 a.m. And breakfast will be served for all! Perhaps you might come out for Morning Prayer at 8:00 a.m., then eat, then work! Special News of Note & Your Action NeededLongtime member David Fort has been very ill over the past several months but he is getting stronger every day. As you know, David moved to Raleigh to be near his children a couple years ago but remains a loyal All Saints member. David will be turning 90 years old in two weeks and I would like to ask all of you to write him a birthday card. Do NOT mail it to the address in the parish directory. He will not get it, as he has been in several different rehab facilities over the past months. Please bring your card to the church and give it to me. I will get it to his daughter Elizabeth. Let us all rally around David to brighten his special day. Thank you. News of Note #2We were very pleased to be able to welcome back to church this past Sunday Barbara Buffington, who has been away many months due to illness. We are sure she will be with us regularly once again. Lenten AppealDon’t forget about the Lenten Appeal to build a school for the Dalit children in our Diocese of Andhra Pradesh in India. Mite boxes should be turned in on Easter Sunday and your checks should be marked “Lenten Appeal.” Maundy Thursday WatchOne of the most hallowed traditions of Holy Week is the keeping of watch by the Blessed Sacrament as we remember Christ’s Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. This watch begins immediately after (about 8:30 p.m.) the Altar is stripped after the Holy Communion on Thursday night. A sign-up sheet is available to commit yourself to one hour of “watch time,” following our Lord’s question to Peter, “Couldest not thou watch one hour?” The watch lasts until midnight. Adult Sunday SchoolOur classes for adults will be on hiatus until April 15. That means no class on Palm Sunday! Several other notable things are happening. Read the announcements at the bottom of this post to find out about:
- Bible Study
- Easter Flower Dedication
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Parish Easter Dinner
I look forward to seeing all of you this weekend for Palm Sunday and then on to Holy Week and Easter. This is the perfect time to ask someone to church because they can truly see what it means to “worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness!” (Psalm 96:9) Blessings,Fr. Erich
Holy Week in the Parish
Palm Sunday, March 258:00 AM Morning Prayer8:30 AM Holy Communion & Blessing of Palms9:45 AM Sunday School11:00 AM Holy Communion & Palm Procession12:15 PM Fellowship Lunch5:30 PM Evening PrayerMonday in Holy Week, March 268:00 AM Morning Prayer12:00 PM Holy Communion5:30 PM Evening PrayerTuesday in Holy Week, March 278:00 AM Morning Prayer12:00 PM Holy Communion5:30 PM Evening PrayerWednesday in Holy Week, March 288:00 AM Morning Prayer5:30 PM Evening Prayer6:00 PM Holy Communion6:45 PM Meatless Supper7:00 PM Bible Study7:00 PM Choir PracticeMaundy Thursday, March 297:00 AM Holy Communion8:00 AM Morning Prayer12:00 PM Holy Communion5:30 PM Evening Prayer7:00 PM Solemn Holy Communion (incense used)8:30 PM The Watch ‘til MidnightGood Friday, March 308:00 AM Morning Prayer10:00 AM Divine Liturgy12:00 PM 3 Hour Meditations4:00 PM Confessions5:30 PM Evening Prayer7:00 PM Stations of the CrossEaster Eve, March 318:00 AM Morning Prayer5:30 PM Evening Prayer6:00 PM Easter Vigil
Easter Schedule
Easter Sunday, April 18:30 AM Holy Communion with Music10:00 AM Easter Egg Hunt11:00 AM Festival Celebration of Holy Communion (incense used)12:30 PM Parish Easter Dinner Easter Monday, April 212:00 PM Holy CommunionEaster Tuesday, April 312:00 PM Holy CommunionEaster Wednesday, April 46:00 PM Holy Communion
Our Capital Campaign· Please be sure to mark your checks with “Capital Campaign” or “Building Fund” so we can properly credit you with your gifts.Easter Flowers· Envelopes have been placed in the pews for Easter Flowers. Your gift in memory of a loved one or in thanksgiving for a blessing will be noted in the Easter Day bulletin, April 1. The suggested donation is $25.00 and allows us to purchase lilies and special flower arrays for Easter Day, the Queen of all celebrations for Christian people. Get your envelopes turned in today! Annual Easter Dinner· It is our tradition to have an Easter Dinner after our 11:00 a.m. celebration of the Holy Communion on Easter Day. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. See what we need, sign-up, and then show up! Annual Parish Easter Egg Hunt· We will have our annual parish Easter Egg Hunt on Easter morning at 10:00 a.m. All children are welcome! Be sure to invite family and friends! Wednesday Bible Study· Our Bible Study this week will finish St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans. Tuesday Book Study· Our Tuesday morning book study will return after Easter. Food Bank· Western Carolina Rescue Ministry in Buncombe County is this month’s recipient of our in-gathering of food stuffs.Flowers and Sanctuary Candle Charts· New charts are available on the bulletin board for the giving of flowers and sanctuary candles. The suggested donation for flowers is $50.00 and it is $10.00 for the sanctuary candle. Sign up to be sure you are able to get your desired day.
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