Christmas Schedule & News
Christmas Eve7:00 p.m., Family Eucharist of Christmas11:00 p.m., Christmas Mass at MidnightChristmas Day10:00 a.m., Mass of Christmas Day
Dearly Beloved,Advent this year is but 3 weeks long because Christmas Eve actually falls on the 4th Sunday in Advent. Due to that fact, we will have only one “Sunday” service this coming weekend. We will celebrate the 4th Sunday in Advent at 8:30 AM on Sunday morning, December 24. There will NOT be an 11:00 AM Holy Communion. I do ask that as many of you who can, please join us at 8:30 a.m. and stick around for a bit afterward as we “green” the church for Christmas. Our Christmas worship will then begin as the schedule posted above shows. I would like to thank Deacon Linn and everyone that helped out this past Sunday to give me the opportunity to travel with my family for Peter’s graduation from Navy boot camp. It was an absolutely spectacular event, watching 650 young men and women complete the first step in their service to our nation. To say Kathy and I are proud of Peter would be understating matters very much. As I am writing, we are on our way to Charleston, S.C., to pick him up from the Charleston Navy Base. He has been granted leave for Christmas and you will all see him this weekend. Here are a few pictures of the new sailor.
News of NoteWhile I was away, Barbara Buffington developed pneumonia and was hospitalized. On Tuesday she was moved to the Laurels Rehabilitation Center off Sweeten Creek Rd. to continue her recovery. She was in good spirits when I saw her yesterday and she looks forward to getting back home soon. News of Note #2On Tuesday, Bill Fishburne had knee replacement surgery up at the VA Hospital. He came through with flying colors and arrived back at home today. We look forward to seeing him back in church sooner rather than later! As is always the case, there are multiple opportunities to celebrate the fullness of the Christmas season here at All Saints Church. Be sure to check out the full Christmas season schedule down below. I pray the joy of Christmas abides with all of you always. I look forward to being with you all, beginning Sunday evening, as we put aside the dross of this world and celebrate as we worship our New Born King! Blessings,Fr. Erich
Christmas Season Schedule
Tuesday, December 26, St. Stephen, Martyr
12:00 PM, Holy Communion
Wednesday, December 27, St. John, Evangelist
6:00 PM, Holy Communion
Thursday, December 28, Holy Innocents
12:00 PM, Holy Communion
Sunday, December 31, First Sunday after Christmas
8:30 AM, Holy Communion
11:00 AM, Holy Communion
Monday, January 1, Circumcision of Christ
12:00 PM, Holy Communion
Wednesday, January 3, Tenth Day of Christmas
6:00 PM, Holy Communion
6:30 PM, Fellowship Dinner
7:00 PM, Bible Study returns
7:00 PM, Choir Practice
Friday, January 5, Twelfth Day of Christmas
6:00 PM, Twelfth Night Party
Saturday, January 6, Epiphany
12:00 PM, Holy Communion
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