Dearly Beloved, This coming Sunday, we are privileged to celebrate the Transfiguration of Christ on the Lord’s Day. This does not happen very often, as this day is always celebrated on August 6, which does not usually land on a Sunday. Most of us know the story about Jesus Christ being transfigured in his glory, while accompanied by Peter, James, and John. Moses and Elijah appear with him. The voice of God then is heard by the three disciples, “This is my beloved Son: hear him.” Moses and Elijah represent the Law and the Prophets and God’s voice from heaven saying “Hear him,” tell us that the old way must give way to the new and that this Jesus, the only begotten of the Father, is the fulfillment of the Law and the countless prophecies down through the ages. Jesus IS the new and living Way.It has been several weeks since the last news was sent out and there are a few items you need to know about before we turn to what has been going on here in the parish.School Supply DriveOur school supply drive will end on August 20. Please bring in your items as soon as you can. The Sunday bulletin contains a supply list.Sunday Fellowship LunchThe teams that bring us our fellowhip lunches every Sunday afternoon are taking a break during August. We thank them so very much for all the hard work they put in to feed us every week. Everyone needs a break! If some of you might be interested in “filling the gap,” contact Cynthia Hensley to see what you can do.Choir PracticeChoir practice returns on Wednesday evening, August 9, at 7:00 p.m. This would be a perfect time to join the choir as they begin to prepare their musical offerings for the Fall.Your Offering Checks and DepositsPlease do not post-date your checks to the church. The bank will NOT allow us to deposit them. If you do so, the check will be held until the next week’s deposit or your check’s date, whichever is later. We only make deposits once a week, on Mondays. Also, please make sure to sign your check. The lack of signatures has been happening quite frequently recently. Please direct any questions to our treasurer Jeff Wyatt.Wednesday Evening StudyOn Wednesday evenings during August, we are having special video series called The Path to the Cross. This is a wonderful biblically based series that will focus on how the passionate devotion of God’s people prepared the way for Jesus and his ultimate act of obedience: the sacrifice of the Cross. Each session will be 30 minutes long.Now on to some updates about what has happened over the past month. I look forward to seeing all of you on Sunday and may Almighty God continue to bless you.Fr. ErichSummer Youth WednesdaysOur “spin” on Vacation Bible School was again a great success. Our children gathered every Wednesday evening during July and enjoyed food, fellowship, arts and crafts, and biblical teaching. This year’s focus was on mission as given to us in Acts 1:8. They also followed Ethan Byrd and Samantha Grady’s Mission Trip to Honduras. They ended this year’s sessions with an evening of play on a 100 foot waterslide and eating 10 foot long ice cream Sunday. Here are couple of pictures and more can be seen on our parish Facebook Page.
Men’s Night at the BallgameOn Monday, July 17, the men of the parish, old and young alike, enjoyed an evening watching our Asheville Tourists destroy the Augusta Green Jackets by the score of 12-3.
Mission Trip to HondurasEthan Byrd and Sam Grady traveled to Honduras for two weeks in July on a mission trip sponsored by Grace Community Church. We thank God for these young people being willing to travel overseas to help care for His children elsewhere and being able to make an impact for the Gospel. We are also very thankful for their safe return to us. Below is a picture of Ethan with Sophia, a child sponsored by the Byrd Family, as well as a picture of the entire mission team.
Musical Theater CampThe week of July 17, we were pleased to host a Musical Theater Camp for 13 children here at All Saints. The children prepared a musical version of the Grimm Brothers fairytale The Elves and the Shoemaker. The children presented their work to us on Sunday, July 23. What an absolute joy it was to watch their production! We have some incredibly talented kids around here. Many thanks to Anjie Grady, Rebekah Byrd and everyone who helped make this camp a great success. Here is a picture of the cast.
A Maintenance UpdateWe have taken care of some maintenance issues that have helped “spruce up” our grounds. The siding that had been replaced a couple months ago has finally been painted over. The playground has been fixed and re-stained. We also had new gravel placed all along the north side of the church and around behind the kitchen. The bank off the south end of our parking has also had new gravel and stone placed on it to help reduce erosion. New landscape timbers were installed to help keep the rock in place.
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