Dearly Beloved,It is hard to believe that is has been nearly three weeks since we celebrated the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ on Easter Day. The church was packed, the music was awesome, and Easter Dinner afterwards was splendid! If you were not here, because of traveling or illness, check out our Facebook Page to see a couple of videos of the Hallelujah Chorus and the Recessional of Easter Day. You can also see the Hallelujah Chorus video on our national church’s website by clicking here.While we took it a bit “easy” the week after Easter, we jumped right back into our usual plethora of activities here at All Saints. Wednesday evening Bible study returned on April 26 in its ongoing study of the Book of Revelation. The Ladies of the church gathered for their annual Primrose Tea on April 28. They combined the Tea with a baby shower for my daughter Katie. My personal thanks to all of you for your loving support of my daughter and family. Check out some picture below. I’m sure many of you have noticed that we have repaired the siding on the south side of the church building. A good bit of the old siding was crumbling and needed to be replaced to ensure the integrity of our building. Thanks to our own Bob Brooks for making this happen as cheaply as possible! I have included a couple of pictures below also. The bathroom Lenten Projects have been completed. The Ladies restroom, especially, has truly been transformed. Be sure to check it out when you come to church on Sunday. One last thing before we look at what is upcoming. Easter Sunday, April 16, was actually the 4th anniversary of my arrival as your Rector. I pulled into the parking lot of All Saints in a UHaul on April 16, 2013. I want to thank all of you for blessing me by allowing me to shepherd this place and also for allowing me to be a part of your lives. It has been an exciting time and I have never had so much fun being a priest than in this place. Pray that Almighty God continues to bless us as we worship Him and live out the Gospel as He has revealed to us in his only Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. First Friday KidsOur children are gathering for bowling tonight, May 5, 5:30 p.m., at Tarheel Lanes, 3275 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. All of you are invited to join them and have some fun with our kids! Extra Special Music this SundayWe welcome this coming Sunday, May 7, the young people of the Blue Ridge Homeschool Choir at our 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion. They will provide vocal preludes and postludes and also bring us the usual anthems at Offertory and Communion time. We look forward to this special music offering for our worship. Our choir member Anjie Grady is the director of the choir. They practice here at the church every Tuesday afternoon. News of NoteJoy Johnson had knee replacement surgery on Thursday at Pardee Hospital. The surgery was successful and she may be returning home either Saturday or Sunday. Please continue to keep her in your prayers for a speedy recovery. News of Note #2Yesterday, Barbara Conner’s husband Bill suffered an aneurysm in his abdomen and had emergency surgery to repair it yesterday at Mission Hospital. The surgery was successful but he is presently in ICU as he recovers. Please pray for his recovery and also for Barbara and the whole family as they care for him. Tuesday Book StudyTuesday Book Study returns this coming Tuesday, May 9 at 11:00 a.m. The book we have chosen is the novel Heaven Breaks In by Nicholas Cappas. This book is modeled on C.S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters but is written from the “opposite” perspective. The cost is $15 for the book. Please see Cynthia Hensley to get your copy of the book. Adult Sunday SchoolAdult Sunday School returns this coming Sunday at 9:45 a.m. Vestry MeetingThe vestry will meet Monday, May 8, at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. There are a few more announcements below and don’t forget to keep praying for all those who need and desire our prayers. Blessings to all of you and see you in church on Sunday. Fr. Erich
Dearly Beloved,It is hard to believe that is has been nearly three weeks since we celebrated the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ on Easter Day. The church was packed, the music was awesome, and Easter Dinner afterwards was splendid! If you were not here, because of traveling or illness, check out our Facebook Page to see a couple of videos of the Hallelujah Chorus and the Recessional of Easter Day. You can also see the Hallelujah Chorus video on our national church’s website by clicking here.While we took it a bit “easy” the week after Easter, we jumped right back into our usual plethora of activities here at All Saints. Wednesday evening Bible study returned on April 26 in its ongoing study of the Book of Revelation. The Ladies of the church gathered for their annual Primrose Tea on April 28. They combined the Tea with a baby shower for my daughter Katie. My personal thanks to all of you for your loving support of my daughter and family. Check out some picture below. I’m sure many of you have noticed that we have repaired the siding on the south side of the church building. A good bit of the old siding was crumbling and needed to be replaced to ensure the integrity of our building. Thanks to our own Bob Brooks for making this happen as cheaply as possible! I have included a couple of pictures below also. The bathroom Lenten Projects have been completed. The Ladies restroom, especially, has truly been transformed. Be sure to check it out when you come to church on Sunday. One last thing before we look at what is upcoming. Easter Sunday, April 16, was actually the 4th anniversary of my arrival as your Rector. I pulled into the parking lot of All Saints in a UHaul on April 16, 2013. I want to thank all of you for blessing me by allowing me to shepherd this place and also for allowing me to be a part of your lives. It has been an exciting time and I have never had so much fun being a priest than in this place. Pray that Almighty God continues to bless us as we worship Him and live out the Gospel as He has revealed to us in his only Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. First Friday KidsOur children are gathering for bowling tonight, May 5, 5:30 p.m., at Tarheel Lanes, 3275 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. All of you are invited to join them and have some fun with our kids! Extra Special Music this SundayWe welcome this coming Sunday, May 7, the young people of the Blue Ridge Homeschool Choir at our 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion. They will provide vocal preludes and postludes and also bring us the usual anthems at Offertory and Communion time. We look forward to this special music offering for our worship. Our choir member Anjie Grady is the director of the choir. They practice here at the church every Tuesday afternoon. News of NoteJoy Johnson had knee replacement surgery on Thursday at Pardee Hospital. The surgery was successful and she may be returning home either Saturday or Sunday. Please continue to keep her in your prayers for a speedy recovery. News of Note #2Yesterday, Barbara Conner’s husband Bill suffered an aneurysm in his abdomen and had emergency surgery to repair it yesterday at Mission Hospital. The surgery was successful but he is presently in ICU as he recovers. Please pray for his recovery and also for Barbara and the whole family as they care for him. Tuesday Book StudyTuesday Book Study returns this coming Tuesday, May 9 at 11:00 a.m. The book we have chosen is the novel Heaven Breaks In by Nicholas Cappas. This book is modeled on C.S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters but is written from the “opposite” perspective. The cost is $15 for the book. Please see Cynthia Hensley to get your copy of the book. Adult Sunday SchoolAdult Sunday School returns this coming Sunday at 9:45 a.m. Vestry MeetingThe vestry will meet Monday, May 8, at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. There are a few more announcements below and don’t forget to keep praying for all those who need and desire our prayers. Blessings to all of you and see you in church on Sunday. Fr. Erich
Altar Flowers & Sanctuary Lamp· Please sign up for Flowers and Sanctuary lamp dedications. There are only two people signed up for Sunday flowers between now and November. Flowers are very expensive and are paid for by your dedications. Should the sign-up sheets remain empty, we will only provide flowers on the days which have been dedicated. The suggested donation for flowers in $50. Sanctuary Lamp dedication is $10. A Note about our Prayer Lists· Our prayer lists are purged every month. If someone you know needs continued prayers, please add them again the next month. Youth Confirmation Class· Confirmation class for our young people is at 9:45 a.m. every Sunday and will run until the middle of June, before taking a break for the summer. Bishop Chad Jones, our Suffragan Bishop, will be visiting on November 5, and so we begin the preparation of our children. The children in the class are Anthony, Peyton and Jack. Please pray for them as they move forward to come into full communion with Christ’s Holy Church. Food Bank· Bread of Life in Transylvania County is this month’s recipient of our in-gathering of food stuffs. Bible Study· Our Wednesday evening Bible Study turns to the last portion of the Book of Revelation. This week we are at Chapter 20. Calling All Canners· As you are preserving and canning this spring, set aside 2-5 jars of your homemade favorites to sell at All Saints Annual Craft Market on October 7, 2017. The ladies are excited to expand their Craft Market bake sale to include parishioner’s own canned items.
Primrose Tea Pictures
New Siding Pictures
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