Dearly Beloved,
We now enter upon the three most solemn days of the church year: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Eve. These are the days we specifically prepare for our Christian Passover, Easter Day. On Thursday we are with our Lord at the Last Supper and in the Garden of Gethsemane. On Good Friday, we abide by the foot of the Cross. On Easter Eve, we wait in the darkness of the tomb and then begin to see the light, the light of Christ in the Paschal Candle, break forth into Easter joy at the Easter Vigil. This all prepares us for the acknowledgment of the Resurrection on Easter Day, whereby we die to our sins and rise to new life in Him.Make these three days special this year. We have many opportunities allowing all of us to be at church some time on each day. Do come out on each day and find out how incredibly wonderful your Easter will be once you participate in all that goes before.The schedule for Easter and the rest of Holy Week is printed below. God bless you all in these sacred three days we are about to celebrate and may you have a most joyous Easter. See you in church!
Fr. Erich
Easter Day Schedule
Easter Sunday, April 16·8:30 AM Holy Communion with Music·10:00 AM Easter Egg Hunt
·11:00 AM Festival Celebration of Holy Communion (incense used)
·12:30 PM Parish Easter DinnerHoly Week Schedule
Maundy Thursday, April 13· 7:00 AM Holy Communion· 8:00 AM Morning Prayer· 12:00 PM Holy Communion· 5:30 PM Evening Prayer· 7:00 PM Holy Communion (incense)· 8:30 PM The Watch ‘til MidnightGood Friday, April 14· 8:00 AM Morning Prayer· 10:00 AM Divine Liturgy· 12:00 PM 3 Hour Meditations· 4:00 PM Confessions· 5:30 PM Evening Prayer· 7:00 PM Stations of the CrossEaster Eve, April 15· 8:00 AM Morning Prayer· 5:30 PM Evening Prayer· 6:00 PM Easter Vigil
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