Dearly Beloved,
It looks like we are under a “Snow Watch” again. As I write today, it looks as if we will be receiving 2 to 4 inches of snow beginning Saturday night about 10:00 p.m. I will make a decision about canceling our Sunday worship very early on Sunday morning. I then will send out an email if we are canceling so be sure to check your email early on Sunday morning. If you don’t hear from me, services will happen as usual. Also, any cancellations will be on the telephone message on the church phone number and also will be noted on the church website in the lower right of the front page or on the “News” page.
Church Website
And speaking of the church website, we have overhauled the site. We are using a new domain www.allsaintschurch.us (where you are reading this blog). This is actually our parish’s original website domain which we were able to recover. The present website address www.allsaintsmillsriver.org still works and directs you to the new page.
The website is a bit more “user friendly” and contains more information that we hope is of value to you. Spend some time to see what is now available. One item I want to point out to you is the “Parish Resources” page. This page will allow you to access the Parish Directory and the latest Vestry Minutes and parish financial reports. You must, however, sign-up in order to be able to access these pages. The website will walk you through signing up when you try to access the page. It will send me a notification that you want to sign up and I will then approve your access. This is for parish members only. No one else will be approved to access this information.
Lenten Projects
The Men and Women of the parish got off to a running start with their projects last Saturday. The Ladies are refurbishing the nursery and the Men are doing the same to the Ladies’ and Men’s restrooms. We could sure use your help! Come on out and give us a couple hours on Saturday morning. We start with Morning Prayer at 8:00 a.m., followed by breakfast and then we get to work. This is not an all day affair. In fact, this past Saturday we were headed home by 11 o’clock.
Lenten Quiet Day
We are hosting a Lenten Quiet Day for our deanery next Saturday, March 18, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Fr. Gregory Miller, Rector of St. Matthew’s Church in Weaverville will be our Quiet Day leader. The theme of the day is “Breaking the Sin Barrier: Responding to God’s Grace in Christ Jesus.” Lunch will be provided. There is no cost but a love offering will be taken to thank Fr. Miller for his gift to us. Please sign-up on the bulletin board so we can plan on you coming. If the snow keeps us at home on Sunday, please email me if you want to attend but have not signed up.
Lenten Fish Fry
The Fish Fry is now just two weeks away on Friday, March 24. We have sold nearly 300 tickets already! For those of you who signed out tickets, please turn in your money as soon as possible. With this many tickets sold, we have to buy a bunch of fish. And don’t worry, we will not run out of tickets. So be sure to get yours the next time you are at church. More details are below in the announcements.
A Personal Note
I am very gratified by your response to our daily round of Morning & Evening Prayer during this Lenten season. I can think of no better way for a parish family to truly grow together in Christ than to pray with one another. Keep up the good work! And if we get snowed out on Sunday, you can do Morning Prayer at home!
Fr. Erich
Mite Boxes
· There are still a few Mite boxes available in the entryway. These are a perfect way to give alms during Lent. You just drop your spare change in every day and then return them on Easter morning.
Tuesday Lenten Study
· Our Lenten Study is well under way. Every Tuesday during Lent, at 11:00 a.m., we are viewing and discussing a video series called The Mission of Jesus. In this video series, we will follow Jesus’ path through Israel to see how God brought forth triumph in a world of chaos.
Wednesday Evening Bible Study
· Bible study is in the midst of Chapter 14 of the Book of Revelation.
Lenten Fish Fry
· The Fish Fry is two weeks away! On Friday, March 24, we will hold our Lenten Fish Fry, Tickets are $9.00 each in advance ($10 at the door) for breaded tilapia filets, roasted potatoes, hush puppies, coleslaw, and iced tea or lemonade. Take-out will be from 5-6 PM and dine-in will run from 6-8 PM. Kids under 12 eat free. Ticket packets are available and you may purchase individual tickets also.
Palm Crosses
· On Saturday morning, April 8, at 10:00 a.m., some of the women of the church will gather to make palm crosses for Palm Sunday morning. While the Ladies Lenten Project will be ongoing, this is your chance to participate in a somewhat less physical activity! Join us.
Food Bank
· Western Carolina Rescue Mission in Buncombe County is this month’s recipient of our in-gathering of food stuffs.
Annual Lenten Appeal
· Our national church’s appeal this year is for Domestic Missions. Go to www.anglicanprovince.org and read all about it.
This Week in the Parish
Friday, March 10
· 5:30 PM Evening Prayer
· 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross
Saturday, March 11
· 8:00 AM Morning Prayer
· 8:15 AM Men’s & Ladies’ Breakfast & Projects
· 5:30 PM Evening Prayer
Sunday, March 12
· 8:00 AM Morning Prayer
· 8:30 AM Holy Communion
· 9:45 AM Holy Communion
· 11:00 AM Holy Communion & Quiet Day
· 12:15 PM Fellowship Lunch
· 5:30 PM Evening Prayer
Monday, March 13
· 8:00 AM Morning Prayer
· 5:30 PM Evening Prayer
· 6:30 PM Vestry Meeting
Tuesday, March 14
· 8:00 AM Morning Prayer
· 11:00 AM Lenten Study
· 12:00 PM Stations of the Cross
· 5:30 PM Evening Prayer
Wednesday, March 15
· 8:00 AM Morning Prayer
· 5:30 PM Evening Prayer
· 6:00 PM Holy Communion
· 6:30 PM Fellowship Dinner
· 7:00 PM Bible Study
· 7:00 PM Choir Practice
Thursday, March 16
· 8:00 AM Morning Prayer
· 5:30 PM Evening Prayer
Friday, March 17
· 8:00 AM Morning Prayer
· 5:30 PM Evening Prayer
· 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross
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